Second Chances

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A week had went by since the conversation Shawn had with Katy about her family. It stuck with him and Shawn refused to rest until he had answers.

One late afternoon after wrapping up a session at work, he was now headed to see his mother in law.  Shawn approached the older woman's apartment and knocked on the door. She opened it a few moments later.

“Hello, Ms. Hart.” said Shawn.

“Shawn. What a surprise. Is Katy with you?” she asked, looking over Shawn's shoulder.

“No ma’am, it's just me.” he said.

“Figures. She doesn't seem to want much to do with me these days.” said Ms. Hart “Well, since you're here you might as well come in” she said.

“That's not true, you know. Katy loves you. In fact, we were just discussing the baby shower and she wants you to be there.” said Shawn.

“Oh really? she replied with a skeptical tone. I'm sorry if I've seemed a little cold, but can you blame me? My own daughter meets someone, they've only been dating for a year, and she marries him. And to make matters worse, this daughter of mine didn't even have the decency to invite me to the wedding.”

Shawn looked at his mother in law, who was clearly hurt by their actions, and he felt like he was looking at an older version of Katy. She had the same blonde hair and small frame, her eyes were blue instead of brown, but they were kind just like Katy's.

“Well, in Katy's defense, the wedding was sort of a last minute situation. It's a long story, but if it had been planned like she originally wanted, we definitely would've had you there.” said Shawn.

“I've only wanted what's best for my daughter. I saw the pain she went through when Kermit left her, and I don't want her to go through that again. She saw what happened with me and her father, I just don't understand why she would put herself in this position again..” admitted Ms. Hart.

“Ma’am, I can assure you that I am nothing like her ex husband, I would never dream of hurting her. While we're on the subject, do you mind telling me about her father? What happened with him? Katy doesn't seem to want to talk about it but I can tell it's bothering her.” Shawn noticed her expression change as soon as he asked.

“There's really not much to tell. We were married, happy for many years, but then Mike had a drinking problem that got out of hand.

I tried to make the marriage work, but after trying for so long I finally had enough, so I left him and moved Katy and I up here to New York with my sister.” she sighed, “He's changed since then, but so many years have went by and I still haven't fully forgiven him for the pain and heartache he caused. So, we don't really talk about him.”

The woman sat back on the couch, closing her eyes after the trip down memory lane.

“Katy says she hasn't spoken to him in 11 years?” asked Shawn.

“That's right. Even after the divorce she still kept in contact with him and she'd go down to visit him every so often. She was always a daddy’s girl. Then she found out he spent the money that was saved up for her to go to college. They got into a huge fight, harsh words were exchanged, and they haven't seen each other since.” explained Ms. Hart.

Shawn sat in silence for a moment while he processed what he was just told. It turns out that him and Katy were alike in more ways than he realized.

“Do you happen to have her father’s number? I'd like to speak with him.” he said.

“I do. Wait right here. I'm not sure what good it'll do, though.” she said as she got up to retrieve her address book.

Many of the reasons why Katy was the way she was suddenly made even more since now that Shawn got a little more insight into her past. As he sat there waiting, he tried to think of what he was going to say to her father. His wife was hurting and as her husband he had to do what he could to give her the closure she needed.

Miracle Unexpected : A Shawn, Katy, and Maya fanficWhere stories live. Discover now