A Family (dys) Function

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"Come on, Riles. We have to go to this party." pleaded Maya as she paced around the bedroom. They were sleeping in Morgan's old room, which was painted pink and made Riley feel like a princess

Riley sat cross legged on the bed as she listened to Maya continue to beg and beg her. "I mean, I don't know..I trust my Uncle Josh so I guess it's fine" she said.

Maya's smile lit up the room as she gave her best friend the biggest hug. "Thanks, Riley. And I promise you we're gonna have fun. I'll even do your hair and makeup."

"Yay!" said Riley, flashing a smile and jumping up and down on the bed.

Meanwhile, the adults were all seated in the kitchen, awaiting the arrival of second youngest and only girl of the Matthews siblings, Morgan.

"Is Aunt Morgan bringing her sons with her?" asked Auggie.

"Of course she is, Auggie. Why do you ask?" replied Topanga.

"Well because they're too hyper and all they do is break stuff" said Auggie.

"Just try to be nice, bubba. They're your cousins." said Cory.

A few minutes later, Morgan arrived. Her seven year old twin boys, Aiden and Brandon ran ahead of her at full speed with Morgan following behind in the middle of a phone call. The boys had blonde hair like their mother and also had wide blue eyes that could be mistaken for innocence.

" Hello, boys!" said Amy as they ran straight to the kitchen to grab a soda. Amy sighed. "This is going to be a long Thanksgiving weekend, that's for sure."

Auggie went outside with the twins and Morgan came back into the kitchen about fifteen minutes later after completing her phone call.

"Morgan, so nice of you to finally join us." said Alan, in a sarcastic tone.

"It was work, Dad. It always is. You know this." replied Morgan, rolling her eyes.

Changing the subject, Topanga put an arm around Katy and walked her over to Morgan. "I don't believe you two have met. Morgan, this is Shawn's wife, Katy."

Morgan smiled and gave her a quick hug. "Oh, hey, nice to meet you! And congratulations" she said, motioning towards Katy's stomach.

"Thanks, it's nice to meet you too. I've heard a lot about you. It's great to finally meet Cory's little sister." said Katy.

Shawn came back downstairs to greet Morgan and they all sat around talking for a while, catching up on what's new in their lives. Morgan was the owner of an interior design company, which kept her busy most of the time. She resided in a town home in Downtown Philadelphia with her husband who was a sales representative and often traveled.

"So, I'm guessing Andrew won't be joining us for Thanksgiving then?" asked Amy.

"No, Mom. He's away on another business trip and won't be back until early the next morning." replied Morgan.

Aiden and Brandon came from outside, running across the kitchen and into the living room.

"Walk when you're in the house, please!" Amy called out to them.

Morgan poured herself a glass of wine and opened up her laptop.

"Seriously, Morgan? You brought your laptop when we're supposed to be having family time?" said Cory.

"Yes, I did, because when you own a successful company, the work never stops just because you want it to. But I guess you wouldn't know anything about that." Morgan shook her head, taking another sip of wine.

"And what's that supposed to mean?" inquired Cory, raising an eyebrow and leaning forward in his seat.

"It means exactly what I said. You don't know what it's like to have to work hard for everything you've gotten in life." said Morgan.

"So you're saying I don't have to work for anything? Well, you're wrong. I work just as hard as you." said Cory.

Morgan chuckled bitterly. "Oh, please, Cory. Don't make me laugh."

"I'm glad this is funny to you. What's funny to me is how you're able to control a whole company when you can barely control your own kids." Cory shot back.

Morgan slammed her glass down on the table. "Are you kidding me? How dare you say something like that. I control my kids just fine. There's nothing wrong with them and you have no right to judge me or my parenting skills, you self righteous asshole."

"Morgan, calm down. I'm not judging you or attacking your parenting skills, I'm simply stating a fact." said Cory.

"Bullshit. Yes you were. It must be so easy for you to judge everyone else because apparently they're beneath you and your perfect little life with your perfect kids and perfect wife. You look down on everyone else from your perfect little New York City apartment that you would never even be able to afford if it wasn't for Topanga's money." Morgan finished up her glass and quickly refilled.

At this point, everyone else was completely silent and stunned at the argument that had seemingly came out of nowhere.

"I never said that my life was perfect or that anyone else is beneath me. Stop putting words in my mouth." said Cory.

"You don't have to say it, Cory. It's in your actions and quite frankly, I'm sick of it. You've always been Mom and Dad's golden child while I've been ignored and tossed to the side like garbage." Morgan glared over at her parents.

Alan finally spoke up. "Hey, now, that's not true at all, we love all of our children equally."

"Yeah, right. You were more of a Dad to Shawn than you ever were to me." said Morgan.

Shawn was on the other side of the kitchen with Katy, with his arm wrapped tightly around her. He knew better than to get in the middle of this argument.


While the adults were in the kitchen arguing, Maya and Riley were upstairs putting the final touches on their hair and makeup for the night. Maya wore a low cut laced black dress and a pair of black combat boots, she wore her hair out and she had just finished curling it. She did her makeup with black eyeliner, eye shadow, and dark red lipstick.

Riley wore a dark purple spaghetti strapped top with black bell bottom jeans and a pair of silver wedged heels. Maya had put her hair up in a neat bun and she was now attempting to do her makeup. "Could you maybe try not to move so much when I have this sharp object so close to your eye? Thanks." said Maya.

"Sorry! I'm just so ticklish!" said Riley. Maya rolled her eyes and hurriedly finished up.

Josh knocked on the door a few minutes later. "Are yall ready yet or what?"

"Yeah, hold on a sec! We'll be right there." said Maya. She rummaged in her bag before finally pulling out a silver flask.

Riley's mouth dropped to the floor. "Maya, where did you get that?!"

Maya took a few swigs and winced. "Don't worry about that." She handed the flask to Riley. "Your turn"

Riley reluctantly took the flask and sniffed the top of it.

"Just drink the damn thing!" said Maya, annoyed.

The brunette closed her eyes and sipped. "This stuff tastes like gasoline. How do people drink it?"

Maya shrugged. "Cause it makes you feel good. I dunno." She took her friend by the hand and led them downstairs to meet Josh.

He was waiting for them by the door. The adults were all still in the kitchen, making their escape plan that much easier.

Quietly, they made their way out the front door and into Josh's car. When they took off, Josh rolled down all the windows, including the one on rooftop, and blasted the rap music playing on the radio.

Maya and Riley shouted out with joy into the night. "Peaches, I can't believe we're doing this!" yelled out Riley.

"Well believe it, honey!" said Maya with a laugh.

Miracle Unexpected : A Shawn, Katy, and Maya fanficWhere stories live. Discover now