21 weeks

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As the due date got a little closer every week, Shawn and Katy both realized there was still so much to do. Katy tried her best not to worry but luckily Shawn was always there to make sure she stayed calm.

There were still things they needed to buy, Katy was still going to doctor's appointments, not to mention it was mid October which meant the holidays would be coming up soon and they still needed to finish planning the baby shower. So much to do in so little time.

Katy approached her husband who was standing in the living room and she wrapped her arms around him. “We need to go to the store today.” said Katy.

“Sure, babe. For what?” asked Shawn.

“Just to get stuff for the baby. It's a lot easier to shop for him now that we know he's a he.” she responded.

“True. Well, let me just get my coat and we can go.” he said, giving her a peck on the lips.

Right when they were headed for the door, Katy's phone rang. She looked to see who was calling and her smile immediately vanished. “It's my dad.” she said.

“Do you need a minute?” asked Shawn.

Katy nodded her head and finally answered the call.

"Hey Dad.”

“Hey darlin’? You busy?”

“No, it's fine. What is it?”

“I was just calling because I need to tell you something before I get there for the baby shower.”

Katy held her breath for a minute. What could he possibly have to tell her? She got a nervous feeling while she waited for him to go on.

“You have a brother, Katy. A younger brother.”

“What?! What do you mean I have a brother? Since when?”

“He's 23. He was born while I was still technically with your mother but I didn't know about him until after. His name is Ryan.”

Silence echoed on both ends of the receiver.

“Katy? Are you still there?”

“Yes, I'm here. I'm just not quite sure how to respond to any of this without quite a few harsh words. I just..I don't even know what to say”

“I'm sorry I didn't tell you about him before. I just didn't know how to tell you. The main reason for telling you now is because I wanted to bring him up there to meet you and the family.”

“I - I don't know. This is a lot to take in. Can you just give me some time to think about all this and I'll get back to you?”  Katy had told herself she wouldn't be angry anymore, and she was surprisingly calm during the whole phone call.

“Sure, that's fine. I'm sorry, Katy. For everything.”

Shawn walked back in the room as soon as she hung up. “What was that about?” he questioned.

“Apparently, I have a younger half brother.” said Katy, smiling ironically.

“Wait what? A brother? Katy, that's insane. And you didn't know about him until now?" asked Shawn, holding his wife close for support.

“Nope. That's exactly what I said. His name is Ryan and he's 23.” responded Katy.

“Wow, I'm so sorry Katy. I don't know why he'd keep something like that from you. Does your mom know about him?” said Shawn.

“I don't even know. I didn't get a chance to ask. This is just too much, Shawn. This is why I was perfectly fine never speaking to that man ever again.” she said, looking up at Shawn with a hint of vulnerability in her eyes he'd only seen once before.

“In the end, you'll be glad you did. Trust me on this, sweetheart.” Shawn said as he tilted her chin upwards and planted a soft kiss on her lips.

“I know. I'm so glad I have you.” said Katy.


The couple took a cab to Target to pick up a few things for their baby. Since Shawn was completely new at this, he let Katy lead the way. Katy had already set up a registry so she only got a few simple things and they started out looking in the clothing section.

One thing that Katy loved to do was dance, so it came as no surprise to Shawn when he saw his beautiful, care-free wife start to dance to the music playing in the store while they browsed through the racks of baby boy clothes.

“Katy, you are something else. You know that?” Shawn laughed.

“Yeah but you love me anyways” she teased.

“Can't argue with that.” said Shawn. He shrugged and decided to join her in her mini dance session. They both laughed together and Shawn knew that being married to Katy meant he would always be young at heart.

“This is so nice. Just being here with you and shopping for our baby boy.” said Katy. Just then she saw the cutest onesie and she knew she just had to buy it. It was a blue onesie that read “I love Daddy”. Katy held the onesie up to Shawn with the biggest grin on her face. It was the little moments like these that it really hit Shawn that he was a Dad now.

Although they claimed to be only getting a few things, they ended up leaving with four bags of various baby items which was mostly Katy's fault considering she wanted every cute thing she saw.

As they exited the store Katy stopped. “Shawn, he's kicking again. Wanna feel it?”

Shawn placed a hand on her stomach. He never grew tired of this. “There's my son.” he said with a smile.

“He's been really active lately. I love it.” said Katy.


Maya had already arrived home when they got back a little while later. She was in her room with a big canvas and her painting supplies.

“Hey kiddo. We're home.” said Shawn as they stood at her doorway.

“Hey Mom and Dad.” she replied.

“What are you working on?” asked Katy.

“Oh just something for the baby. I figured we can hang it up once he gets his own room” Maya responded.

“That's so sweet of you, baby girl.” said Katy.

“Anything for my little bro.” said Maya.

Shawn and Katy went to their room and Katy laid down in bed as soon as they got there. The woman was admittedly exhausted from all the walking they did that day in Target. Shawn got in bed as well and began working on his laptop. Katy snuggled closer next to him and sighed. “We had a pretty good day.” she said.

“Well, every day that I spend with you is a good day.” replied Shawn.

Katy kissed his cheek in response. “And all this stuff with my dad will be okay, too. I wouldn't be able to do any of this if I didn't have your love and support.”

“Yes and remember that no matter what you'll always have my love and support” assured Shawn.

“You're so good to me. What did I ever do to deserve Shawn Patrick Hunter?” asked Katy.

“Nothing at all except be you, Katy Grace Hunter” he said.

Soon after that, Katy fell soundly asleep while Shawn was still working on his website. When he noticed she was sleeping, he closed down his laptop and turned towards her. He pulled the covers over her and kissed her forehead before eventually falling asleep himself.

For now, all was peaceful.

Miracle Unexpected : A Shawn, Katy, and Maya fanficWhere stories live. Discover now