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A/N: Sorry for the short, crappy chapter. I haven't had inspiration lately but I know I needed to update. I have way better upcoming chapters coming out soon though!

The next morning, the Matthews women along with Maya and Katy were all hard at work preparing the Thanksgiving feast.

They were standing at the counter chopping vegetables, talking softly amongst themselves, knowing better than to get on any of their parents bad side that day.

Topanga and Katy had both decided that the hangover their girls currently had from the night before was punishment enough. “They look miserable” said Katy, shaking her head.

“Well, it serves them right. I bet they won't ever try pulling a stunt like that ever again” replied Topanga. Katy nodded in agreement.

Just then, Maya and Riley walked up solemnly to their mothers, their arms outstretched.

"We just wanted to tell you guys again how sorry we truly are. We weren't thinking, but I  promise it will never happen again. We love you" said Riley, hugging Topanga.

"I love you, mommy" Maya said softly, and she gave Katy a hug.

The women looked at each other with knowing glances before returning an "I love you " to their daughters.

“Oh, before I forget. Katy I have something for you” said Amy as she went upstairs to retrieve it. She came back down a few seconds later with a light blue hand stitched blanket with a teddy bear on the front.

“This was Josh’s old blanket that I stitched myself before he was born. I'd like you to have it” said Amy, handing the blanket to Katy.

“Amy, this is so sweet. I'm honored” cried Katy, giving the older woman a hug.

Now later in the evening, it was almost dinner time and everyone had arrived. Eric was the last to arrive and of course did something that took everyone by surprise. The oldest Matthews brother walked in followed by a live turkey which he had on a leash.

“Eric, what the hell is this?!” exclaimed Alan.

“It's a turkey, dad. I invited him over since it's Thanksgiving! Duh” said Eric, causing everyone to erupt into laughter.

“Well, get it out of my kitchen, please!”said Amy, trying to hold back her laugh.

Katy looked over at Shawn, smiling and shaking her head. The Matthews were quite the unique family and Eric was definitely a huge reason for that.

Everyone joined hands around the table and there was no denying the amount of love that radiated throughout that room.

Despite the flaws, heartache, differences of opinion, they were family above all else. Family was always most important and no amount of arguments or disagreements could ever change that.

They went around the room saying what they were thankful for and it finally got to Katy. “I'm thankful for my daughter who I love more than anything, I couldn't have made it this far without you, baby girl. I'm thankful for my husband for blessing me with this beautiful family and for loving me no matter what. I'm thankful for life and for all of you.”

Miracle Unexpected : A Shawn, Katy, and Maya fanficWhere stories live. Discover now