11 | i sing no wrong, but acadia is gone

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Josh loses someone.
Be prepared to cry.

End of an Era is on the side because I felt like it should be. The Acadia lyric fits the story title while End of An Era is the chapter song.

Continuation of Chapter ten, part two.


[Josh's POV]

"I'm so happy to see you!" I exclaimed, hugging my sister Sara, but she didn't seem happy. Why had she come all the way to the UK? What was she planning on telling me?

"Josh, I don't know how to say this." Sara was wiping her eyes, and I couldn't fathom why she'd come here, and my heart started to sink completely.

What was going on? Why has she come to see me particularly. "What happened, Sara? Did Mom get worse?" I asked, feeling devastated because they'd told us we had a damn 6 years with her in 2014.

"Mom's fine, as fine as she can be." Sara sniffles, looking at me. My eyes started to water, realizing what she's come here to do. "It's about dad."

"But...." I started to stammer, going to put my hand over my tummy. Why would she tell me when she knows my emotional pain would be so great?

"Josh, they-they said---" Sara sniffles, "Shawn called me and told me to come here and tell you. I'm sorry, baby brother." Sara sighed and walked to hug me, but my tears were starting to roll. Why? Why now? Why had this fucking happened?

I couldn't take this, wanting to just scream my lungs out. The whole fucking reason I was a musician passed away. I wouldn't be who I was, if it wasn't for my dad teaching me.

"S-Sara, " I choked out, "I don't know if I can emotionally do the next show. I denied the fans Dearly Departed, and that song is gonna hurt worse." My own heart was sinking and Mini-Ramsay had kicked up a storm and it helped me to smile.

"If he doesn't get hurt by this, you should name him something special. Maybe after dad. Dad would smile at you from up there. I came here because a phone call is too impersonal. Do that show for dad tommorrow." Sara left after, leaving me crying.

I had the perfect baby name for Mini Ramsay and I didn't know what to do, because this was the end of one era and the beginning of another.

I finally had chosen a name and was planning to tell the fans, because it was getting apparent some were asking about why suddenly they'd see something going on with my tummy or something, thinking it was gas again. I had to tell them tonight.

I decided to before End of an Era. I explained why I chose tonight, because my dad had passed on naturally.'"I have some exciting and odd news to share. Yes, this motherfucker aka me, is gonna be having a kid in April or May sometime! Can't disclose the other parent, but you get the drift. I hate screaming kids so let's see how I do with my own. Maybe I'll make my dad proud."

We played End of An Era, and the crying and cheering happened, and I swear, the best show of my life was that night. The fans chanting for encore, the words coming out of my mouth because I felt like singing more.

"You'll get your encore." I grabbed the microphone. "I'm going to do Acadia. Because that's my childhood summed up, and a big part of my childhood involved my dad. We've never done an encore past End Of An Era before, so please bear with us."

After Acadia was done, we went off of the stage, my bandmates and the crew congratulating me. But the fans didn't know, and I wanted to say something on social media.

I pulled up my Instagram, discreetly following Pete. I didn't want that much made a deal of it. But I wanted the world to know now.

"All of you may have heard I made a pretty big fucking announcement at the show tonight, and I was happy to make it. Yeah, I'm having a kid. Don't worry, Bennie's not jealous. She's happy to have a playmate. But I don't need anyone asking me who's the other parent. You'll figure it out on your own. But by the way, read my Twitter bio tommorrow. I've changed a few things." I posted a photo of the gender reveal too because I wanted Pete to see the photo too. And I tagged Pete.

I just hoped this wouldn't end terribly in the end. We eventually got back to Vancouver at the end of the European Vacation tour and my bandmates kept laughing about my "odd food" needs. "Seriously, guys, stop." I laughed, I'd wanted odd food for a long time.

The next tour was the Canadian one, and I went to the doctor again because I wanted to make sure I was still progressing okay. He stated we would be unable to do flying at all this tour. The fans understood, because heck, they wanted me happy.

I heard a knock at my door, knowing I had to go to the funeral for my dad soon, but I saw a familiar face with a dozen roses, and as cheesy as that fucking was, I couldn't resist hugging who it was. It was Pete. "I fucking missed you." I said, and smiled. "I'm happy I got to tell the world about this baby. I just was so sad and I needed to make everyone happy."

"I missed you too, Josh." Pete hugged me, and I was smiling. Fucking finally, after my pain and emotional turmoil, I'd found someone who was worth going back to. When we had our fights I was ready to go back to him.

The fact he made me happy was the best feeling in the world. And I didn't know what to say. Finally I wasn't alone, but how would I feel when the next months would change me forever?

"A son, huh?" Pete laughed, "Patrick kept saying girl, because him and Elisa had a girl, she's Dec's baby sister." Pete had caught me up completely on all of that stuff, because hell? I wanted my happiness and he made me feel good inside.

I thought my Acadia was gone, but now I felt safe and happy. And that was the best feeling I ever felt.

I just knew my dad was smiling from up in heaven.
Thanks guys for enduring the last three chapters.
Things get better from here for the next four chapters. I promise.

Also, sorry for a character death happening but a ton of people wanted someone to die in a earlier chapter, and I did it later. Plus I wanted to do a little snippet regarding Josh and Sara's sibling relationship regarding this.

Also, I have a really special personal announcement:
Me and my partner have decided to one day get engaged. My Facebook states I am engaged but it is not really what I mean, and I don't want people asking "wedding date" anymore. It isn't happening for likely five or six years and we are just wearing promise rings for now.

Also, I am likely getting VIP for Marianas Trench. On November 11th, there will be no update to any of my stories, but Highway Of Heroes, my Peterick oneshot, will be rewritten as a Jete. I want to do the two different pairings.

Also unfortunately everyone who has been expecting for months for me to update All Hail The New King, I have decided to permanently cancel the story. I am thinking about a new Peterick/Jete soulmate story to replace all hail the new king, but it's gonna be written like a musical :)

- Lexi

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