Chapter 6

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Livia's POV: I couldn't believe what Ben said the other day. He said he was gay..... What does that mean? Did he ever have feelings for any of the girls he dated? Or was it just an act? The thought of that made me angry. I had to question him about it. One day after school I walked to the boys dormitories and knocked on his door. It was really weird.... I heard sexual noises.....Was he really doing this? Having sex  with some girl in there?? I could feel the anger rushing through me and as I opened the door into something I never thought I would witness in my life...BEN WAS FREAKING BANGING I opened the door angrily they both jumped and scrambled under the blankets. "BEN,CALLAN WHAT THE HELL!?" I screamed. As soon as I said that Callan put on a robe and ran out before I could even see him. Ben on the other hand stayed. His face was bright red and knowing Ben, I knew he was about to scream at me so I got ready.. Ben can  say some hurtful things when he's mad. "LIVIA YOU CAN'T JUST WALK INTO OUR ROOM LIKE THAT WHAT WERE YOU THINKING!?" he screamed. "Ben don't play stupid with me!" I said softly. "You have been banging Callan this whole time??" "You could've told me that you were gay sooner I would've accepted you." I said sympathetically. "Did you ever have feelings for me?? Don't lie to me Ben." I said. "Yes Liv I DID,but then you changed.." he said as if he was about to say something else. "What about Elita? Cassie?" I said wondering if this was all an act on his part. "I never liked them in that way...." he said as if he was about to cry. "LIVIA YOU DON'T GET IT! I DIDN'T WANT TO BE LIKE THIS I NEVER ASKED TO BE GAY!" he screamed as tears came out of his eyes. "I WANTED TO HAVE FEELINGS FOR GIRLS BUT I DIDN'T FEEL IT...." he said slowly calming down but still crying. "You don't know me.. you don't know what I've been  through." "I was raised a catholic all my life." He said honestly. "When I came out to my parents they of course didn't agree,they said I'm going to hell for it.." "So they sent me here. Basically to get rid of me..." he said. "They told me if I wanted friends,don't "act gay" around everyone or no one would like me." So I listened,and here I am." He said. " oh my God,Ben I'm so sorry I didn't know I-" "It's ok I understand" He said cutting me off. "I just want you to know about Callan and I.....

Cliffhanger 😈

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