Chapter 16

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Ben's POV: I can't believe what Elita told me! She and Callan kissed! A little part of me wanting to just lay in the ground and cry,but another part of me wanted scream at both of them. So I decided on the second one. I saw Callan walk towards me and I could feel the anger inside of me. Someone is gonna die today. "CALLAN I CAN'T BELIEVE YOU! YOUR A F$#! LIAR! YOU SAID YOU LOVED ME YOU SAID YOU CARED ABOUT ME YOU SAID YOU CAN'T LIVE WITHOUT ME! ALL OF THE WAS BS,WASN'T IT?" I said everyone turned around to see what the commotion was about. "Ben I can't explain! Babe I love you so much I swear! I wasn't- "NO I DON'T WANNA HEAR YOUR LIES." I said cutting him off. He tried to kiss me and I pushed him away angrily. "GET THE HELL AWAY FROM ME!" I said as I stormed off. I didn't know what to do. We were in the same dorm so I was gonna see him again. I ran to our dorm and threw all of his books and stuff on the ground then on the table I saw a card I wrote him on Valentine's Day. I ripped it up and threw it in the trash. Then I walked to his side of the room and ruined everything. I saw a picture of us together and I broke the whole frame. I was so angry,at Callan,at Elita,and at myself. Then Callan walked in. He tried to walk towards me. As soon as he tried to grab my hand I slapped him. I couldn't believe I hit him. "WHY DID YOU DO THAT!" Callan screamed at me. "BECAUSE YOU CHEATED ON ME." I shot back. "Ben,please listen to me please!" He begged. But I wasn't buying it. "No! I won't listen to you! You weren't begging when you were banging Elita!" I said with an attitude. "I didn't do anything sexual with her-I." I don't wanna hear it" i said putting my hand in his face. "I trusted you! I thought you loved me,but apparently that was a lie." I said trying to hold back tears. Then Callan got on his knees, "Ben please look at me I love you more than anything and you know that! Please forgive me I'll do anything for your trust again please, I love you Ben I'm lost without you....I need you in my life your my everything your the reason I wake up in the morning please...I know I messed up I wasn't thinking straight I don't love Elita like that I only love you. Ben I'm afraid....I'm afraid to lose you so please.." he said as he fell to the ground and started crying. I couldn't take it,I immediately ran to him and started holding him. I couldn't stand seeing him cry. "I'm sorry baby,I love you." I said kissing him on his forehead."No! I'm sorry I shouldn't have kissed her!" He said still sobbing. "It's ok I forgive you." I said picking him up and carrying him to my bed. "Let's go to bed babe,it's late." I said as I looked on my phone. It was 1:30 a.m. We snuggled under the blankets as Callan wrapped his arms around me. Moments later he was sound asleep. I kissed him on the cheek as I finally closed my eyes.

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