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August 1st:

"27... 28... Come on, I know you got 30 in you... 29... One more."

Trevor's voice echoed in my ear and I never heard him say thirty because I was too tired and needed to drop myself down from the pull-up bar.

"Great job," he said, slapping me on the back.

"Thanks," I breathlessly jabbed.

With no hesitation I made my way over to the weight station where I grabbed the fifty pound dumbbells.

"Damn how are you not tired? You've already done about 20 circuits this morning. I'm fuckin' beat," Trevor said, wiping his sweaty brow.

"I am tired but I wanted to get a few more in."

"Your arms are getting big man. Clearly pushing it."

I tossed down my weights when I was finished and looked in the mirror. I flexed and noticed my reflection and it was evident that my arms were bigger. I think it's a pretty good look for me.

"Dinah showed me a recent picture of Ayla yesterday too and she is looking fantastic. I mean not to cross any lines here, but that fucking ass of hers is rockin'," Trevor commented.

"Yeah, she's been working out a lot more then she lets on. I think she's doing squats when she's at work. She also runs every morning that she's not working. She is a beast," I said grabbing my water bottle.

We both headed out at the same time this morning, she was going jogging, me the gym. Afterwards she was heading to go buy a dress for our rehearsal and had a date with my mum to do so. Tomorrow my mum wants me and Clare to come over for lunch. She has been trying to set it up every single day that I've been back, but because life gets in the way, there has been some delay. She was thrilled that we're both finally available tomorrow.

"Have you settled a little better to this baby news?" I asked Trevor, since he hasn't once brought it up since Tuesday. "Not trying to pry, but you haven't said anything."

"Yeah," he sighed. "I'm not really freaking out like I was before. I called my parents and told them last night. They weren't too thrilled."

"What?" I caught myself snapping back.

"They're um, pretty Catholic. So they're not happy about this really at all. They want me to be married and shit. And they haven't even met Dinah yet."

"Man, I'm sorry. I don't know what to say to that. They should be supportive no matter their beliefs. You should have them meet ger," I said.

"Yeah, I invited them over to my apartment for dinner next week. Dinah is surprisingly calm about them being this way so I don't think she's worried," he chuckled.

"Well that fantastic."

"I don't know man, I feel like I'm still screaming inside and that it's not real yet," he said, running his eyes with his palms. "I mean, how could I have been so stupid. So careless."

"You can't do that to yourself mate. There's no use in thinking about the past," I sympathetically cooed. "You're going to be a father. Think about that."

I couldn't help but smile when I said those words. I was happy for him. I love babies and I couldn't wait to see one of my friends have one.

"Yeah, I guess it will be pretty cool. And thank God we have Ayla. Did she tell you that we're going to see her?"

"She did. Great choice," I winked. "You guys are gonna be fine."

We finished up our workout within the next our and parted ways. I'd be lying to myself if I said I wasn't thinking about babies the whole rest of the time we were lifting. Fucking hell.

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