Chapter 1

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(y/n)= Your name

(l/n)= Last name

(f/c)= Favorite color

(h/l)= Hair length

(h/c)= Hair color

(e/c)= Eye color

"y/n! Get up! It's time for school!" I woke up to my mom screaming that dreaded Monday, the first day of 9th grade.

I responded with a groggy "Ugh, coming mom!" I stumbled out of bed and over to my closet. I grabbed a f/c shirt with some black skinny jeans and converse. I made my way to my bathroom, unbraided and brushed my h/l, h/c hair, brushed my teeth and put contacts over my e/c eyes. Good enough, I thought to myself and left my bathroom. When I got downstairs, my brothers Axel and Aaron were already wrestling on the living room floor. You'd think that two 17 year olds would have at least some common sense, but nope. Oh, God. I will be in the same building as these morons. "Could you two at least act normal while we go to the same school?" I pleaded at them both.

"Could say the same to you!" they said in unison, then high-fived each other.

"Ugh. Whatever."

I grabbed the toast my mom had already prepared for me, ate it quickly, then strolled out the door, on my way to school. I popped my earbuds in and set my playlist to shuffle. Welcome to the Black Parade came on and I started singing along without realizing it. I felt a tap on my left shoulder; I turned to look at it's source, and standing behind me was a boy about my age with short, dark brown hair and smiling brown eyes. I quickly paused my music and pulled my earbuds out. Once I comprehended that he heard my little personal concert, I started blushing wildly. "Oh! I'm sorry! I guess I zoned out a little.." I apologized awkwardly.

"No, don't be sorry. You sounded good..." The last part was a bit of a mumble as he ran his hand through his hair and looked down. I began blushing more. "I just thought you looked lonely, so I was gonna ask if it was okay if I walked with you?" Wow, first day of school and a cute boy is already talking to me!

"Yes! Uh, I mean, sure, sounds cool." The boy began smiling like a little kid and we started walking.

"Oh, where are my manners? My name is Tyler. Tyler Joseph." He stopped walking and introduced himself as he stuck his hand out.

I met it with a handshake and introduced myself, "nice to meetcha, Tyler Joseph. My name is y/n. Y/n l/n. Tyler shook my hand back and smiled again.

"Nice to meetcha, y/n." We began walking again and talking about stuff. Nothing too important, just friendly conversation. He's so easy to talk to, and he is actually listening to what I have to say. Unlike most other boys in my school.

We arrived at Worthington High School and shyly walked in the front door together. I was glad to know that he was just as nervous as I. We got a few glares, many people most likely thought we were a couple. Not that we cared. We went to the office and got our schedules. To our delight, we had EVERY class together. "Tyler, I didn't think you would be a choir kid." He blushed a bit at my teasing.

"Yea, I really like singing. Sue me." We laughed and started roaming the halls, since it was orientation and we could do basically whatever we wanted. We decided to walk around the school the opposite way as almost everyone else, which only earned us more glares. With our boredom, we decided to see who could walk higher on their toes, being that we were the same height. "Ya know, you're really tall for a girl." I faked being offended by his comment on my height.

"Have you ever considered that maybe you are just short for a boy?" He returned the offended look.

"How rude!" He fake punched my arm and then a full fledged fake fight broke out. People must have thought it was real because soon we had a crowd around us shouting "fight, fight fight!" We kept up the act, for the fans of course, until we just couldn't hold it in any longer. We both started laughing and fell to the floor, clutching our stomachs. Everyone figured out it was all fake and quickly dispersed. Soon our laughs turned to silent gasping and we sat up. Tyler was the first to stand, and offered his hand to help me up. He must have misjudged his own strength because he yanked me off the ground and right into him. Our faces were mere millimeters apart. We both blushed like crazy, but neither of us wanted to be the first to pull away. After what felt like an eternity, but was only a few seconds, a clear "Ahem" separated us. We turned and saw a tall, wide man standing before us. "Students, I am aware it is your first day of high school, but we have a no PDA policy, and it would be nice if you would follow it like everyone else," our principal stated then walked away.

I was the first to speak after our little show. "Well. That happened," was all I could manage to say.

"Yea, sorry, my dad likes to be extra tough on me." He looked down, embarrassed.

"Wait wait wait. That was your dad?" The information was completely new to me.

Tyler sighed and looked back up at me, "yea..."

"Aha. That explains why he said that to us, but has said nothing about the multitude of people making out."

Tyler laughed a little, but then his jaw dropped and his eyes widened. "Um, Tyler? You good?" He seemed to ignore me because he pushed right past me and screamed "JISHWA!" as loud as he could. In my confusion, I turned around and saw Tyler running for some other guy. What. The. Hell. I awkwardly walked over to them and tapped on Tyler's shoulder. He turned to face me, then got an embarrassed look on his face.

"Oh! Y/n, I'm really sorry, I simply couldn't help myself. This here is Jishw- Josh. Josh, this is y/n, my new fren." Tyler moved out of the way and pushed me and Josh so we were facing each other. Josh didn't look as confused as me, more embarrassed.

"Sorry about him. I'm Josh Dun." He held his hand out to me as well. I can see why these two are friends. I shook his hand and introduced myself, much the same way I did with Tyler. "Nice to meet you, y/n." We all started walking, with Tyler in the middle.

Tyler spoke up to break the awkward silence. "So, Jish, I thought your parents were gonna ship you off to military school?"

"So did I! But they decided to get a drum set for me instead!" I was simply listening to them, trying not to third-wheel. Being the awkward person I am, I tried to escape the situation.

"Uh, guys, I have to uh, go to the bathroom. I'll catch back up with you." As I walked away from the group, Tyler grabbed my arm and pulled me back.

"Hold it. I don't want you to leave." Either he saw through my lie, or he really doesn't want me to go.

"C'mon, just let the girl go." Josh said as he removed Tyler's hand from my arm. I walked to the bathroom, went into a stall and just cowered in a corner. The voice in my head was telling me that I only made it worse by running away like that. Oh social anxiety, why must you do this to me? At just the right moment, the bell rang, signaling that we could all leave Hell. I left the bathroom and tried to get out before Tyler could catch up with me.

I'm No Good Without You (Tyler Joseph x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now