Chapter 14

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"Why am I so stubborn? You should be asking yourself that question!" I had been called stubborn before, but Tyler won this argument, so I didn't know what his problem was.

"I don't want to argue with you." He tried to stay calm but in my current state, calm was not even an option.

"You don't want to argue with me? Really? I'm pretty sure you were just arguing with me when I was going to walk home. I'm also pretty sure you won that argument."

"True, but that was for your own sake."

"My sake? Please, explain to me how it was for my sake."

"If I had let you walk home, you would have got there just after your parents, right? Then she would know how upset she made you and she would feel as if she won. Don't let her win." I turned back around to face him.

"Maybe... You're right. I'm sorry I'm being so stupid." I put my head in my hands and apologized to Tyler.

"Don't be sorry. Don't ever tell me you're sorry for something you can't help, understand?" He put his hands on my cheeks and looked in my eyes.

"I-I understand." For the next few hours, Tyler and I waited on that curb for Rayna to take us back.

"Hey, kids." Rayna called out from behind us. "I'm taking you home, get in." Tyler and I sat in the back of her car. "Y/n," she started a few minutes later, "based on how mom was treating you, I think it would be best if you stayed somewhere else."

"Where do you expect me to go? Want me to just move out and get my own place?" The sarcasm was strong.

Tyler chimed in, "you will stay with me." It wasn't a question, he said it as if it were my only choice.

"With you? I couldn't do that to your parents."

"You could. You will stay with me until your home situation sorts out."

"But chances are my home situation won't sort out. I'll just stay home until I graduate then I can get the hell out of there."

"No, you will stay with me and even if it never gets better at your place, you can stay with me forever." He clearly wasn't giving up and it was going to take a lot of convincing.

"Your family wouldn't want to see me all day everyday. You probably couldn't even deal with me that much."

"I told you, I don't want to argue with you. You are staying at my house, your place is bad for you."

"Y/n maybe he's right, Mom isn't going to stop treating you like shit, so you need to stop being around her." I felt like they were both against me.

"Maybe that's true, but I don't want to do that to Tyler's family. I already bug them more than I should."

"My family loves you! My mom is always asking when you'll be over and saying that you're like her second daughter. My dad likes you because you aren't a fake, girly person. Zack acts like he doesn't like you but he's 12, that's his thing. Madison adores you and refers to you as her sister. And little Jay called for you, not me or my parents, when he fell and skinned his knee. If that doesn't say something I don't know what does."

"I guess you are right." I eventually gave into their convincing. "But just ask your parents to make sure." Tyler nodded and pulled out his phone. He called his mom and put the phone to his ear.

"Hey, mom. I have something really important to ask you." He proceeded to ask his mom about me staying with them for a little while. Surprisingly, she didn't even ask why or how long and the conversation only lasted about 20 seconds. "Told you."

"What exactly did she say?"

"She said, 'tell her she can stay as long as she needs to.' Then she started talking about what color we will paint your room, which I'm assuming she's moving you into the guest room, and then she said she had to start planning and hung up." I chuckled softly at his mom's eagerness for me to move in.

"So I guess it's official? I'm staying with you? It's not too late to back out."

"I wouldn't back out even if my mom would let me. She makes the calls." He kissed my cheek and reassured me, as he seemed to be so great at.

When we got back home, my parents had already made it back. I cautiously walked in the front door, and called out to my dad. "Dad? You here?"

"In my office!" I heard his distant reply and made my way to his office. When I went in, I saw him sitting at his desk. "What do you need, sweetie?" He looked up from his computer and asked me.

"I am going to stay at Tyler's for a while." I mentally prepared myself for him to say no and start yelling at me. Instead, he stood up and walked over to me leaning in the doorway.

"Why and how long is a while?" I was shocked that he didn't get angry.

"Because mom is being crazy and I can't really deal with that and I don't know how long. Now, I should pack my stuff." I left him alone in his office and went down into the basement. I stuffed my bag with things I would need. Clothes, laptop, toothbrush, toothpaste, contacts, the list goes on. Tyler came in as I was struggling to zip my bag closed.

"Need a little help there?" He asked from the doorway.

"No, I got it." With one last tug, I zipped it shut then slung it over my shoulder. "Let's go." Tyler and I left for his house. A few blocks into the walk, my bag was already killing my back.

"Here, let me get that." He effortlessly took the bag from me and carried it.

"Hey, I can carry that. I'm not as weak as you think I am."

"I know you aren't weak, just let me be a gentleman, please." We walked the rest of the trip, Tyler carrying my things the whole way.

"Please let me carry it. It looks heavy." On multiple occasions I tried to take it, but he wouldn't let me.

"It is heavy. Which is exactly the reason I am carrying it." Despite my greatest efforts, we arrived at his house and he walked in and set my things down on the bed in the guest room.

"Hey, Tyler and y/n. I was just planning how to decorate your new room. What is your favorite color?" Tyler's mom asked me as soon as I walked in.

"F/c, definitely." I answered without hesitating.

"Alright, later I will stop and get some paint in that color and we can paint the room." She left me alone in the living room.

"Y/n! Get your booty in here!" I heard Tyler call from the guest room. I hurried in to meet him and found him placing my clothes in the dresser. "Help me put your stuff away." We put away what I had brought from my house. It wasn't much, so I'd have to go home to get more soon, but it was nice to know I didn't have to stay there with my mother anymore. Tyler wrapped his arm around my shoulder, "everything will get better now. I promise."


Hello noodles! I am so sorry I haven't posted in a long damn time, please forgive me! I will try to update everyday like in the past, but with school n stuff I cannot make any promises. But I can promise that I won't just quit writing and not give you any warning, like so many writers do. BAIIIII

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