Chapter 6

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No. Way. He can't be here. He CAN'T, these thoughts raced through my head as I saw Gene, sitting in the seat next to mine. My dad's brother Gene. The same one who, last I knew, was in an insane asylum for trying to drive his kids off a bridge. He was tried, he pleaded insanity and they threw him in the mental ward. He, supposedly, wasn't getting out for a very long time, but this all happened only a few years ago. "Why hello there, y/n m/n. You sure have grown since I saw you last. What grade are you in now?"

Trying not to show my uncomfort, I sat down calmly. "I'm in ninth grade, Uncle Gene."

"My, my. You kids sure are growing up fast. With Rayna here in art school, the twins graduating this year and you startin' high school. Before your parents and I know you'll be having boyfriends and going to parties."

"She best not be. I don't know what I'd do if my baby was having boyfriends and going to parties." My mom chimed in. My dad looked at me discretely and I remembered that he had seen Tyler kiss my cheek. I rolled my eyes at him. The rest of dinner went smoothly, as to be expected.  I learned that Gene would be staying with us for a week. He would be staying in the guest room off the kitchen.

I went downstairs to finish my mountains of homework. I suddenly got a message from Tyler.

Tyjo: I have a surprise for you tomorrow, so be prepared.

Y/n: How can I be prepared unless I know what I'm preparing for?

Tyjo: Oh, right. I hadn't thought of that. Just look nice, or how you always do. No difference.

Y/n: Fine. If I must.

Realizing I couldn't focus on homework with knowing Tyler had a surprise, I just gave up and went to bed.

My dream that night was bizarre. I could see my whole family dressed in all black, Tyler was there too. They were all weeping and looking down. I went over to see what they were looking at, and I saw myself, lying in a casket. It was a funeral. MY funeral. With that, I jerked awake. I sat straight up, covered in sweat. What was that all about? It was a bit earlier than the usual time I woke up, but I knew there was no chance of me getting back to bed. I quickly got ready. Oh right, I have to look nice for Tyler's surprise. I changed into a black t-shirt and a Batman themed skirt, the closest thing to nice I owned. When I was sure other people in the house were awake, I went upstairs. I came into the kitchen to find my dad and Gene cooking something. "Morning, folks." I greeted them.

"Oh, good morning, Munchkin. Your uncle and I were just cooking some pancakes. Why are you up so early?" He turned and asked me.

"Just a rough night of sleep, that's all." I didn't want to go into detail because they might've found me crazy.

"Aw, munchkin. Here, have something to eat." My dad said as he slid me a plate with a few pancakes. As he did this, the doorbell rang.

I quickly jumped off the stool I was sitting on and went to the door. "Can't gotta run." I met Tyler outside.

"Well, hello, beautiful." He looked me up and down and took my hand.

"Hello, handsome. So, what is this surprise you told me about?" I was itching to find out.

"Well, if I told you it wouldn't be much of a surprise, now would it." I could sense the sarcasm in his voice.

"Ugh, fine. Don't tell me. When will I see this surprise?" I hoped to at least get some information out of him.

"Right when we get to school." I was giddy with anticipation. We arrived to the front doors and met Josh. "Okay, y/n, wait here until Josh brings you inside." He instructed.

"What? Why?" I didn't wanna be left with Josh, I wanted to go with Tyler.

"Because I said so." He left me with these words as he went inside and disappeared around a corner.

I spun around to face Josh. "Will you tell me what's going on?"

"I would if I could, but I can't so I won't." He looked amazed after his poetic statement.

"That honestly sounded like something straight out of a Dr. Suess book."

"It did! That was on accident!" As Josh was celebrating his little moment, I continued to wait for the time I could go back to Tyler. All of a sudden, Josh's phone rang. He answered it with, "can we go in now?" and concluded with a, "okay, great. Seeya." I looked at him, hoping for answers. "Now, I hate to do this, but I have strict orders from the boss," meaning Tyler, "that you must be blindfolded." He pulled a blindfold out of his pocket and put it over my eyes. "There. Now let's go."

"Uh, Josh? There's only one flaw in your plan: I can't see where I am going."

"Oh, uh, okay..." He awkwardly grabbed my wrist, trying not to hold my hand. He led me through the doors and down the hall. We made a few turns but I was entirely clueless as to where we were. He took the blindfold off, and in front of me I saw Tyler, with his ukulele, standing on a desk. I looked behind me and saw a huge crowd of other students, and even a few staff members. My cheeks were instantly on fire.

"Um, Tyler, what's going on?" I was more embarrassed than ever, I was standing in front of easily a hundred people, and Tyler was on a desk with a ukulele.

"Well, I couldn't think of a better way to do this." He started playing and everyone else fell silent. "Wise men say, 'only fools rush in'. But I can't help falling in love with you." I recognize this song, this is "Can't Help Falling in Love" an old Elvis song. Tyler continued playing and singing the 1961 song. When he got to the last line, he jumped off the desk and stepped right in front of me. "For I can't help falling in love with you." I was tearing up at his romantic gesture. He handed his ukulele off to Josh, as if they had rehearsed this, and took both of my hands in his. "Y/n, will you be my girlfriend?" I was awestruck by his public way of asking me.

"Tyler I-" I knew my answer but I didn't know how to say it.

From somewhere behind me, I heard someone shout, "don't leave the man hanging, answer him!" This outburst was followed by a series of "Yea, answer him!" and other various statements.

"Of course I will!" I drew him into a tight hug. When we pulled away, he put his hands on my cheeks and pulled my in and kissed me. People cheered and hollered. The moment was perfect.

Perfection was ruined by gunshots, that were seemingly aimed at no one or thing. "How cute. But we're done here." I turned around and looked over the cowering crowd and saw the one, the only, Uncle Gene.

I'm No Good Without You (Tyler Joseph x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now