Chapter 24

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When Kelly and I arrived at the mall, she seemed super giddy. "Kelly, I am very grateful for this, but why? All I did was break a girl's nose."

"Yes, you did break a girl's nose, but you stood up for yourself! You defended Tyler! Since this started, you've just sat idly while Jenna tried to ruin your life, but finally, you put an end to all of it!"

"Maybe but now I'm sure Tyler's going to be mad." I remembered what he said about fighting.

"Why's that?"

"I promised him I wouldn't fight anyone."

"We can find a way around that. And I'm sure he will forgive you." I wasn't so sure about it, but I agreed anyway. We walked in and headed towards Hot Topic. When we stood outside the store, I had flashbacks of when Tyler and I brought Taylor and Josh here. The memory made me think of something.

"Kelly, what's the date today?"

"It's Wednesday the 21st. Why?"

"Shit!" I gave up on censorship. "Tomorrow is Tyler and my anniversary!"

"New plan! We are buying him something! What do you think he'd like?"

"Why are you asking me? He's your son!"

"He's your boyfriend!" I rolled my eyes and tried to think of something to get Tyler.

"Where can someone buy a ukulele?"

"He already has one of those."

"He gave it to me. I want to get him a new one, so where can you buy one?"

"There's a music store a few minutes from here. I'm sure they have ukuleles." I grabbed Kelly's hand and pulled her back to her car. I pushed her into the passenger's seat and hopped behind the wheel.

"Wait, you don't have your license!"

"But I have this." I pulled my learner's permit out of my bag and Kelly looked terrified. I started the car and left the mall. I followed directions as Kelly said them.

"Way to go, that was a red light." Maybe I shouldn't be driving. After what felt much longer than it was, we pulled up to the music store. I turned the car off and went into the store. I walked around until I found an employee.

"Excuse me, sir." I found a young guy, probably only like 18.

"How can I help you?"

"Do you sell ukuleles?" I inquired about the Hawaiian instrument.

"I'm afraid we actually are out of ukuleles." How? Who buys ukuleles?

I kept my thoughts to myself. "Drat."

"However, our main store in Cleveland probably has some in stock."

"Cleveland?" I sighed and left the store. I got back in the car, Kelly was sitting there, just as afraid as when we left the mall.


"No luck. He said that they would have some at the store in Cleveland, but that's it."

"Then I guess we are going to Cleveland." I looked at her in shock.

"That's a 2 hour drive, we don't have to do that, I can just get him something else, it's no big deal."

"Nonsense. I have nothing better to do with my day, so let's go. But you aren't driving." We got out and switched spots. She started the car and got on the highway towards Cleveland. About an hour in, I fell asleep. As usual, I was carried away into a dream.

I'm No Good Without You (Tyler Joseph x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now