Chapter 15

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"Don't make promises you can't keep." I told him.

"But I can, and will, keep it. I will do anything and everything I need to just to make sure your life is better starting now." Tyler placed his hand on my head and ran his fingers through my hair.

"Tyler," I tried to argue because I knew there was nothing he could do to really ensure my life would get better, but instead I just let him have his moment. "I love you."

He kissed my forehead gently, "and I love you." For a moment, everything seemed perfect. But, as I had already learned, the world was never perfect for long. There was a loud knock on the bedroom door. "Come in." Tyler called. Mr. Joseph slowly opened the door, with an apologetic look on his face.

"Y/n, could you come out here for a minute?" I walked out to the living room, followed by Tyler. I found Rayna standing in the living room, completely distraught. I rushed over to her side.

"Rayna, what happened? What's wrong?" She looked up at me and wiped tears from her eyes.

"Mom-" she inhaled sharply to compose herself, "mom got in a car accident." She was clearly tore up over this, she always had been closer to my mom than the boys and I. Maybe it made me a terrible person, but I had stopped caring about her wellbeing the moment she blamed me for my brother's death.

"Oh. This concerns me how?" Tyler elbowed me in the side at my sarcastic remark.

"You may hate her now, but that doesn't mean she isn't your mother." I rolled my eyes even though I knew Rayna was right

"Is she okay?"

"I don't know. She just left in an ambulance. I came over here to take you to the hospital to see her." I rolled my eyes again and went to the front door with Tyler in tow. We unenthusiastically sat in the back of Rayna's car. Seconds later, she came out and got in the driver's seat. She started the car and pulled out of the driveway.

Without a word from any of us, we arrived at the hospital. I was hesitant to get out of the car, but Rayna burned me a dirty look and I knew that I might be the next one in a hospital bed if I didn't go in. Rayna stopped by a nurses station to get my mom's room number, but apparently she was still in trauma. Rayna sat down in a waiting room chair, and I sat on the opposite side. Tyler plopped down next to me, and leaned his head on my shoulder. "You okay?" He asked.

"Oh I'm fine. I just want to leave."

"C'mon, your mom was in an accident, you should care."

"But I don't. She didn't care when I was in an accident, why should I care that she was?"

"She did care, she just didn't show it. I know you care deep down, but I don't want you to become cold-hearted."

"And what if I do?" I asked him hoping for a response, but he didn't say anything. Another twenty minutes went by before we were allowed to go see my mom. We took the elevator to the third floor and found her room: 339. As we walked in, we were greeted by an overpowered smell of hand sanitizer. Hospitals all smell so weird.

Rayna ran to my mother's side, "oh my god, are you okay?" My mother nodded slowly. Everyone else was concerned with her how she was, but I was apoplectic.

"Oh look, we came right here for you when something bad happened to you, but Tyler was the only one who cared enough to stay with me." My dad was trying to keep quiet, probably because he knew I was right, my mom just looked down, and Rayna went off on me.

"How can you sit there and make this about you? You are such a little bitch!"

"Rayna, that's enough. She is right." My mom, surprisingly, admitted that she had done wrong. "I have been so torn with grief of losing two of my babies that I lost all concern for the two I still have, and I am so sorry. I hope you two can forgive me."

I'm No Good Without You (Tyler Joseph x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now