Chapter 30 (Last Chapter)

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Now here we are, nearly 10 years later. I was sitting alone in my hotel room when I heard a knock on the door. "Come in!" I shouted. The door slowly opened and Josh walked in.

"Hey man, I'm gonna call an uber to take us to the airport." His voice was drained and tired, we had just finished the last show of "Tour de Columbus" and he was exhausted. We both were.

"Alright, I just have to do something first, I'll be back in an hour."

"Where are you going?"

"Don't worry about it." I left Josh with that as I passed him and walked out of the room. What I didn't tell him is that I had already called an Uber, but not to take me to the airport. "Take me to Green Lawn Cemetery." The entire ride was silent until we got there, I thanked him and got out of the car. I watched his taillights as he drove away before walking to the far end of the cemetery.

Though all of the headstones looked similar at first glance, but one stood out to me more than all the rest. I hit my knees and read the stone, "Y/n L/n, (Birthday) - 05/15/2006" I had visited this place several times since that day, but I stopped crying after about a year. This time, though, I felt every bit of emotion I did as the day it happened. I saw her in front of me as if she were really there, but I knew it was just my mind playing tricks on me.

I saw her laughing, smiling. Her eyes were lit up with more life than I had seen from anyone since she died. Her nose was scrunched up at the top like it was whenever she laughed. She always hated when I noticed it, she said she didn't like it. That it made her look funny. But to me, to me she was perfect. To me, every single little quirk just added to her beauty.

Like every time I thought about y/n, after remembering her, I remembered how I ruined it. I ruined her. I made a stupid choice because my own insecurities made me afraid. I let my fear of being hurt, of being left, hurt her more than I could've thought. That day, when she jumped off of the top of Worthington Christian High School, that day left me empty. I know how terribly corny that sounds, but it's the truth.

And that is why I'm writing this. I need you all to know why I'm doing this. In all of the band interviews, I never once mentioned her. I didn't want the world to know what I did, but now I know I can't hide it. I broke y/n's heart and she jumped. She jumped away from her life, from her problems. I don't want anyone else to suffer like she did, and I don't want anyone else's family and friends to suffer like we did. Y/n is my reason for all of my music. Everything I write that makes anyone feel better or like they have a purpose was my effort to keep you all from ending like she did.

This entire series of 30 parts was y/n's story, and it ended too early. Now, my story is coming to its end.

The Blurryface tour has ended and our music is being heard all over. I'm not trying to brag, but my job is done. I've done all I can to save you, now you have to save yourselves. Goodbye, Skeleton Clique.

(Josh, since you'll be the one reading this, I want you to put this letter on the band social media profiles exactly a year from today. I'm sorry, fren.)

Tyler Robert Joseph


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