Chapter 12

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Tyler and I went to his room and sat on his bed. We sat in awkward silence for a few minutes until Tyler couldn't take it anymore. "So, does that hurt?" He pointed at my broken wrist.

"Eh, not really. Only if I move it too much." I wiggled my arm in demonstration. "My head hurts really bad though."

"Oh. I'm sorry I couldn't save you from that car." He apologized.

"No, don't be. I'm so sorry I got hurt and ruined the whole night. I know how much you wanted to go and I'm sorry I ruined it." I felt terrible for messing up Tyler's night.

"Hush. I didn't want to go that bad anyway. Remember, just before the accident, I was trying to get you to go home." I had forgotten that at the last second, he changed his mind.

"Oh, right. Why did you turn around all of a sudden?" At that time I was curious. There he was the night before, begging me to go, then he just decides he doesn't want to.

"Well," he looked slightly embarrassed, "I saw all of those other couples there, more specifically the guys, and I realized how they deserve you so much more than I do, and I thought that if we went you would realize that too and then I'd lose you and I can't lose you." He became out of breath due to his run-on sentence.

I was surprised he was saying these things. I shushed him and kissed him "You really think I'd just leave you for some other guy?" I was slightly offended that he thought I would do something like that.

"No no no, that's not how I meant it. I just meant, that you'd catch on to how much better someone else could be for you. That's all."

"That's all? There is no one better for me than you! You are the most perfect boyfriend I could ever ask for and I am so much more than lucky to have you. I-I need you, Tyler." His face lit up when I said those words.

"I need you more, y/n." He was being competitive for no apparent reason.

"But I need you the most." We went back and forth for a while with who needed who more, until someone knocked on Tyler's door.

"Come in." Tyler's door creaked open and a little girl, about 8 or 9, walked in.

"Tyler? Jay and Zack want to make cookies, and we need your help." The little girl, whom I assumed was his sister, told him quietly.

"Just the boys? You have no part in this?" Tyler interrogated her, and she did her best to look innocent. "Fine, y/n and I will help you with cookies." Tyler took me by the hand as Madison led us downstairs into the kitchen. When we got there, Jay was playing in the cabinets as Zack tried to keep him out. Tyler fetched an old cookbook and flipped to the page that had a cookie recipe on it. "Now, you guys find all of the things on this list then get us," he instructed. All three of the younger kids started rummaging the kitchen for the listed ingredients. Tyler turned the T.V. on and we watched it on the couch, his arm wrapped around my shoulder and me snuggled up close to him.

From the kitchen I could hear Zack call "get a room!" Tyler did the opposite of his brother's wishes, and hastily kissed me. Tyler and I giggled as Zack made a fake gagging noise. Once they had everything we needed, Tyler and I got to work with helping them make some cookies. The older two were doing well, listening to Tyler and I, but Jay had other plans. He was making messes that most toddlers only dreamed of. He somehow got ahold of an egg (I'm not convinced Zack didn't give it to him). This egg was chucked at Tyler, and cracked against his forehead. Tyler stood idle in shock, while Zack, Madison and I were rolling on the floor in laughter.

"Oh, you find this funny, do you?" Tyler pinched a bunch of flour in his hand, and flung it into my face. This time, the others were laughing and I was the mad one with food on my face. A full fledged food fight broke out, and soon everyone was covered in eggs and flour and other ingredients.

"What is all the noise about?" Tyler's parents came into the kitchen, suspicious. Tyler must have not really realized who it was, because he threw another mound of flour at them, managing to hit both of their faces. Tyler's mom's faced went from surprised, to angry in about .05 seconds. She marched over to him, picked up an egg, and smashed it on top of his head. Now, everyone but Tyler was laughing to the point of not being able to breathe. Eventually, everyone calmed down and Mrs. Joseph called for everyone to get cleaned up. First, she started with the youngest, Jay, then Madison, then Zack. When it was my turn to take a shower, I grabbed my clothes from my reserved drawer in Tyler's dresser and went into the bathroom. I quickly cleaned the cookie ingredients off of my body and out of my hair. I wrapped myself in a towel, and shouted for no one to go into Tyler's room until I came out.

I guess Tyler didn't hear. I was wearing only a bra and my underwear when the door opened. Tyler and I both stood there, speechless. "Turn away!" I shouted once I realized he wasn't going to do it on his own. He jumped a little and turned around, pushing his face against the closed door.

"I-I-I am so sorry, y/n!" He said, still with his face in the door as I finished changing.

"You can turn around now." I informed him. He turned around but still shielded his eyes with his hand. "I shouted to everyone not to come in, didn't you hear?"

"I guess I didn't, I am so sorry." I didn't know who was more embarrassed.

"Well, I'm sorry to have mentally scarred you for life. No person should have to see," I gestured to all of me, "this."

"Um, do you know how many high school boys pray for this situation? I should really be thanking you!" I knew he was joking but it didn't make the situation any better. "Sorry." He sighed and looked up at me. "I will run the risk of sounding like a disgusting pervert, but you looked good." I sunk to the floor and hid my face in my arms. "Not that it really matters. I love you because of how amazing you are, not how amazing you look." He said "love" again. "This time, I won't try to explain myself because I really do love you. I could say I love you to the moon and back but that just isn't far enough. I love you now and I will love you for as long as you love me and even if you stop loving me I will love you." I looked up from my arms to see Tyler sitting on his knees in front of me. "Y/n, I love you."

"Tyler, I-" I threw my arms around him and high fived his lips with mine. "I love you too."


HeRpDeRp < Mood while writing that

This has by far been my favorite chapter to write, and I hope you noodles enjoyed reading it as well! BAIIIII

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