Chapter 3

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I woke up to my alarm the next morning, and covered my head with a pillow rather than turn it off. After procrastinating for a bit, I rolled over and turned my alarm off. Cons of going to school: going to school. Pros of going to school: Tyler. After thinking about Tyler, I quickly sprung out of bed and got ready. I decided to wear my glasses instead of contacts because why not.

I went upstairs and saw that my dad hadn't left for work yet. "Mornin' Daddio." I said as I hugged him around his waist.

"Mornin' Munchkin. What are you so happy for? It's your first real day of school. You are supposed to be all tired and depressed. Who are you and what have you done with my Munchkin?" He teased. I guess everyone can tell that I'm happy when I think about Tyler. Oh no. Feelings. Ew.

"I guess I'm just excited to be able to get out of the house and not be stuck with you people all day." I teased back. We both gave each other dirty looks and then the doorbell rang. "I'll get it." I called to anyone who might've been awake. I opened the door to see Tyler complete with his backpack and his adorable smile.

"Good morning, m'lady. Shall I accompany you to our place of learning?" He asked.

"Who is it, Munchkin?" My dad asked from the kitchen.

Do I tell him it's a boy? "Just my friend that I walk to school with." No, I don't. I held a finger up to Tyler signaling for him to give me a second. I went into the kitchen, grabbed my backpack off the table and said goodbye to my dad. When I returned to Tyler he was exactly as I left him. "Let's get going."

"Let's." He grabbed my hand, as he often seemed to, and started skipping down the porch steps. We barely made it out of my yard when I realized what time it was.

"Wait, Tyler, why are we leaving so early?" I stopped and asked.

"No reason. Just want to get there before everyone else." He answered.

"You sure are a strange one. Wanting to get to school early? Quite strange indeed." He started blushing and looked at his feet. "Oh you I'm just kidding. C'mon." This time I took his hand and started walking. Now, I know what you might be thinking, it's weird for friends who just met to be holding hands. Well no one ever said Tyler and I aren't weird.

We once again arrived at the school and walked in together, only this time people definitely thought we were together, on account of the hand holding. We were there rather early but the halls already had tons of people. We walked around looking for Josh, but Tyler informed me that Josh was not as serious about school as he and I.

We were walking around, joking, laughing, and talking about anything and everything, when out of the corner of my eye, I saw her. My best friend since 6th grade. The same best friend who moved away at the end of 8th grade and wasn't supposed to be back until we graduated. "TAYLOR!" I shouted as I dropped Tyler's hand and took off running. I ran right into Taylor and hugged her. Then I pulled away and punched her arm. "You bitch, why didn't you tell me you were coming back?" I inquired with a harsh tone.

"I wanted to surprise you, asshat. Surprise." She snarkily replied. "I was supposed to stay at my grandma's in Colorado for high school but apparently she didn't like my attitude so she sent me back."

"Never did I think I would be grateful for your bitchiness." We were both laughing when Tyler walked up to us. "Oh sorry, Tyler. I just couldn't help myself." I jokingly used the same excuse he did the day before.

"Haha, funny. Please tell me this is a coincidence and you didn't set this up to get back at me for yesterday?" He seemed worried, as if he thought I were mad at him for yesterday's events.

I'm No Good Without You (Tyler Joseph x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now