Chapter 18

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New clarification: F/i- first initial

M/i- middle initial

L/i- last initial

Rayna excitedly sat in her car and Tyler got in next to me. "Where are you taking us?" Tyler took the words right out of my mouth.

"That is for me to know and for you to find out." Tyler and I waited anxiously for her to start the car.

"Just so you know, I'm not afraid to fight you if you try to kill us or something."

"Relax, y/n. I'm not gonna try to kill you. Now, put these blindfolds on." She handed us each a blindfold. I stared at mine, confused, while Tyler put his on without hesitation.

"You seem pretty used to blindfolds," I joked. Tyler probably rolled his eyes, but I couldn't see. I reluctantly tied the blindfold around my eyes and waited more. I felt the car rattle and start, and we started down the road. Tyler could tell I was anxious, anand tried to grab my hand. However, he missed by a mile and grabbed my thigh. Realizing it wasn't my hand, he instantly pulled his hand away.

"Keep ya hands to ya-self. Ya nasties." Rayna said to us. I found Tyler's hand with mine and held it tightly. Impatiently, we waited for Rayna to reach wherever it was she was taking us. I felt the car slow down and turn into a rough driveway. She opened my door and I got out, then she did the same with Tyler's. She grabbed my right hand and what I assume was Tyler's left and led us to the surprise place. She stopped, dropped our hands and took off our blindfolds.

"SURPRISE!" Blinded by the sudden brightness, my eyes adjusted and before me I saw a group of people all smiling ear to ear. "HAPPY ANNIVERSARY, TYLER AND Y/N!" Everyone shouted in unison. My mom walked up to me and Tyler and pulled us into a hug.

"I can't believe it's been 6 months!" She squeezed us and our faces were all like one. "You two are so cute together." She let us go and other friends and family members came up to us.

After about a half hour of this, Tyler and I got away from the crowd. We were in a park where my family threw us a party. We hid behind a huge tree to escape all the people. "Why did they do this? How did they know? Tyler, are you behind this?" I questioned him.

"No! I had absolutely no involvement in this. It was the work of your sister." Suddenly Rayna came out from the other side of the tree.

"Don't pin this on me. It was all mom. I was simply the driver."

"Why tho? Why did she plan all this for a 6 month anniversary? How did she even know?"

"You know mom is a stalker. Plus it's been 6 months since, ya know, the twins." I remembered that the day Tyler asked me to be his girlfriend was also the day my uncle shot my brothers and 15 other students.

"Oh.. Right. But why did she make such a big deal out of it?"

"Here's a thought: ask her yourself." She replied sarcastically and walked away. I rolled my eyes and made my way back to my mom.

"Hey sweetie. Are you having fun?"

"Yea mom. It was real nice of you to do this, but why?"

"Well, I know that recently I haven't been as involved in you or your sister's lives as much as I should and I want to change that." She looked very apologetic.

"Oh.. Well mom you know we would be cool with just something small at home."

"Why do that when we can throw a big party?" I didn't have the heart to tell her that I didn't like big parties.

"Thank you mom. I'm, uh, not feeling well so Tyler and I are just gonna go home."

"Alright, hope you feel better." I grabbed Tyler by the hand and started walking towards our house.

"Wait wait." Tyler stopped me. I thought he was going to try to make me stay, but he didn't. "We can get there faster if we cut through the forest." He pulled me the other way and we went through the trees. A few yards in, he stopped in his tracks and stared at a large oak tree.

"What is it?" He pointed at a spot in the bark. Right under his finger was a heart carved in the tree, inside it read "TJ+F/I L/I."

"It's our initials. In a heart. How cute is that?" Tyler wrapped his arm around my shoulder and tilted his head into mine.

"Oh I have an idea." I reached in my pocket and pulled out the swiss army knife Axel had given me a few years back. I went over the faded carving with the knife and wood shavings fell onto my hands. "Better." The newly carved marks stood out against the dark bark of the tree. Tyler took my hand and gently blew the wood shavings off.

We walked the rest of the way and exited the trees by the high school. When we made it home, Madison and Zack were arguing over the T.V. and Jay was walking around with shoes on his hands. "I love these kids." I helped Jay get his shoes on his feet and settled Madison and Zack's dispute.

Tyler spoke up from the stairwell, "you're so good with kids."

"Well I love little kids so it's easy for me to deal with them." Tyler pulled me by my hand up to his room and closed the door behind us. He sat on his bed and patted next to him for me to sit by him.

"Let's get us a baby." (totally not a TKAM reference shut up) I was shocked by his sudden suggestion.


"Well not now obviously, but someday."

"What do you mean 'get us a baby?'"

"Do I really have to spell it out?" His cheeks blazed and he looked down at the floor.

"No, please don't. When is someday?"

"After high school, of course, and whenever you would feel comfortable with that." I didn't know what to say. We were just freshmen in high school. Him 15 me 14. Yet he was already thinking about things like kids. I tried to end the awkward with a self-depreciating joke.

"That's if you don't find someone better than me by then." I laughed nervously. "Which we all know could happen at anytime." He moved himself to where he was sitting on me and he put his hands on my shoulders and pushed me against his bed. "T-Tyler, what are you doing?" His previous statement had me worried about what he was trying to do.

"You are going to stay like this until you take that back. I would never leave you. Never." He roughly kissed my neck. "Take it back." He kissed my neck again. "Take. It. Back." He kissed my neck right by my ear which caused me to flinch a little. For reasons I didn't know, he seemed determined to get me to take it back.

I decided to play into his game. "And what if I don't?" I smirked at him. His hands trailed to my waist where he ran his thumbs across my sides, daring me to give up. "I hope you know I'm not taking it back." His hands found the hem of my shirt and he lifted it slightly, exposing my stomach.

"Don't try me, little lady." I didn't say anything. There's no way he'll actually do anything. He took my shirt and pulled it over my head, leaving me in just my bra. I felt my entire face burn as I tried to cover myself.

"I take it back." I mumbled in a small voice. Tyler brought his face closer to mine. I could feel his breath on my face.

"What was that?" He teased.

"I take it back!" I basically screamed. He pulled himself off me and handed me my shirt. I snatched it from him and stormed out without even putting it back on. I stomped downstairs and to my room.

I threw myself on my bed and yelled into a pillow. Still shirtless, I found my phone and called Taylor. "Hey, walk to Tyler's, we're going somewhere."

"Okay... should I bring Josh?"

"No, don't."


Yo noodles! Please don't be upset with Tyler, he can't help it. Just kidding. Be upset. I am. I have literally nothing better to do so there is a good chance another chapter will be published today. BAIIII

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