Chapter 5

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We made it back to the high school just as the first bell rang. We got through the first few hours until it was finally lunch, and we could see Josh and Taylor. I remembered the stupid advice Josh gave Tyler on talking to girls. I went up to him and punched him in the chest. "Ah, what was that for, y/n?"

"For telling Tyler that ''girls like confidence' and causing him to embarrass himself." I explained.

"So you ARE the girl he likes? I knew it!" I couldn't believe what I heard, so I just denied it.

"Oh shut up. He doesn't like me." I was sure Josh was just messing with me.

He wasn't. "Really now? If he didn't, why would he ask me how to impress you?" I tried hard to come up with an explanation, but nothing good came to mind.

"Because... Because... I don't know, Josh! Just stop messing with me, getting my hopes up and making me think Tyler likes me!" I expected Josh to yell back at me, but he opened his mouth then quickly covered it. He was looking over my left shoulder at something behind me. I turned around and saw Tyler behind me. He was angrier than I'd ever seen him. I stepped out of the way, because I could tell Tyler was seriously pissed.

"Why did you tell her I like her?" Tyler's voice boomed throughout the school.

"Yea, why are you telling me things that are obviously not true?" I joined Tyler in the yelling at Josh. Yelling is fun.

"W-well I wouldn't say it's not true," he calmed down a lot and turned to me. I however, didn't calm down.

"Oh come on, you too? Why must you and Josh insist on getting my hopes up?" This was the moment the others found out about my crush on Tyler. Coincidently, it was also the moment I finally admitted it to myself.

"Wait, you think I'm lying? And what do you mean getting your hopes up?" Tyler seemed confused by what I said.

"I mean, you guys are making me think that you like me back, when really I know you don't." Tyler's eyes widened in shock. He hugged me tight. "Tyler, stop messing around, I'm serious!"

"I'm not messing around. I really didn't want you to know but I really do like you. A lot. And, based on your previous statement, you like me too. And that is amazeballs." He pulled away from me but left his hands on my shoulders. The anger he showed at Josh was gone, and he looked at me with a huge smile. As we were standing there, smiling at one another, Taylor came up next to Josh.

"Well took you two long enough. I thought you would never admit it." Josh laughed slightly and wrapped his arm around Taylor's shoulder. She leaned her head on Josh's shoulder and released a sarcastic sigh, "that's true love right there." Tyler and I blushed and looked at our feet.

By the time the end of the day came, almost everyone knew about Tyler and I, whatever it was you'd call us. Some of the other students would make hearts with their hands as we passed them in the hall. He walked me home, like every other day, but somehow it seemed different than normal. When we got to my place, we shared an awkward goodbye, and he quickly kissed my cheek and ran off, just liked the first day we met. I went inside, flying as high as a kite. I saw my dad in the kitchen and instinctively ran up and hugged him. "What are you doing home so early?" He looked extremely excited.

"Well, munchkin, I got a promotion, and my hours changed! So now I get to be here when you get home from school!" I hugged him again, overcome with joy.

"That's amazing! What position did they give you?"

"You are looking at the chief attorney of my firm! Now I only work from 6-3, so I will get home just before you do." He said with pride in his voice.

"Daddio, I'm so proud of you!" I was ecstatic that he would be at the house when I was. "Where's everyone else?"

"Well your mom is out with the boys, getting them something for whatever sport it is they play,"

"That would be football." I corrected.

"Whatever, and your sister is up in her room. I am assuming that was who you were most curious about."

"You know me so well." I started up the stairs, but when I was about halfway up, my dad called to me.

"Oh, and y/n, don't think I didn't see you and Tyler out there. Real cute but if he tries anything tell him I am a lawyer and I know all the tricks to appear innocent." He winked at me, but I could tell he was quite serious.

"Oh my God, dad, chill." I finished the stairs and knocked on Rayna's door like the police. She opened it, looking worried.

"What's wrong?" She asked from her doorway.

"What? Nothing, I just have a lot to tell you." I pushed my way past her and sat on what used to be my bed.

"Oh, no. If you are pregnant I swear I wi-" I interrupted her because she was entirely wrong.

"Do you seriously think I would be pregnant? What the hell! NO!" I felt offended that she even thought it a possibility.

"Well I see the way Tyler looks at you. He's waiting to get at you." She winked at me and laughed.

"You are the single most disgusting person I have ever met. But speaking of Tyler... He told me he likes me today! And I told him I like him! Agh, it was awesome! I have never been more happy in my entire life!" I squealed like a little kid and bounced on the bed.

"AHH! This is awesome news! Now that you have a boy to impress, I need to show you how to be more lady-like. First off, ditch the converse and band merch and invest in some skirts. Second-" I interrupted her yet again.

"Not. Fucking. Happening."

"Second, don't swear so damn much. Third, You should always wear your contacts, you don't want to be four-eyes like your big sis. And lastly," she grabbed her purse and pulled out various makeup items, "makeup."

"I can promise you none of those things are happening. I don't want to be... you." I gestured to her entire body.

"Whatever, but I assure you, Tyler will like you even more if you do these things." Would he really like me more if I changed? What she said really got to me. I left her with a simple "whatever" and went to my room. I grabbed my phone and started texting Tyler.

Y/n: Can you believe my sister is telling me I have to change all these things about myself to make you like me more? Would you really like me more if I were more ladylike?

Tyjo: What? Of course not! I don't want you to change anything. I like the you that you really are, not who your sister is trying to make you.

Y/n: You sure? Because if you really would prefer me to be more ladylike I will be...

Tyjo: Don't you dare change for anyone. Especially not me, I don't want you to change. You are perfect.

His text made me blush and smile like a dork.

Y/n: Well, I wouldn't say perfect...

Tyjo: I would! Do you need me to list everything great about you? You are sweet, you are funny, you are the most honest person I've ever met, and, not that it matters but it is a plus, you are the most beautiful girl I have ever had the pleasure to lay my eyes upon. There's so much more but I don't want to attack you with super long messages.

Y/n: Oh Tyler, you really are just too damn sweet.

Tyjo: Be careful, I might just give you a cavity.

I was too busy laughing at his terrible joke to reply.

Tyjo: Sorry, bad joke.

Y/n: Very bad joke, but your bad jokes are the best so it's okay.

"Y/n! Get up here, dinner's ready!" I heard Axel yell from upstairs. They must've came home in the time I was texting Tyler.

Y/n: I hate to go, but I must go refuel. I shall converse with you at a later time.

With that I went upstairs to see my whole family already sat down, as well as an extra chair.

I'm No Good Without You (Tyler Joseph x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now