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      "Anora? Anora wake UP!" I jumped and almost screamed " I'm UP!" Loki looked at me with worry "Are you okay?" I groaned and my head felt like it was splitting apart. " Apart from the headache yeah, what happened?" "My magic seemed to not bond with you well." I grimaced " So I'm magic-intolerant?" I laughed a little to myself. " What's so funny!" I only laughed harder at his reaction. He groaned and rolled his eyes at me " You need to rest, do you think you can get up?" I nodded weakly to him.

     I tried to stand but I ended up falling into Loki's arms. Next thing I knew I was being carried bridal style to the bed.

      " I'll be back in an hour with some food, you need to sleep."

      I nodded my head and immediately fell asleep.

      "Anora I brought you some food!" Loki walked in with a tray, I just shoved my face in the pillow. "Oh come on do you know how hard it is to sneak out with a tray of food when Odin's watching you?" I laughed and flipped over taking the tray from him. " Thanks for the food! It's amazing!" I mumbled through a mouth of food. He smiled at me while I ate my food.

      "I assume you're feeling better." I smiled at him while stuffing food in my mouth. "I was thinking tomorrow I could show you around the palace." I set the tray aside and looked at him with the widest smile possible.

     "Really! That would be amazing!" I launched myself at him giving him a hug. This is the first time I've felt truly happy in a long time.

     I immediately regretted getting up and groaned mournfully. He gently set me back into bed and walked to the bathroom, shutting the door behind him. The sounds of him taking a bath was the last thing I heard as I fell asleep.

    When I woke up I felt like I was sleeping on a cloud. Someone smelled like sweat and dirt. It was me... I got up and walked over to the bathroom. The bathroom was bigger than my room at home had been! Everything was either green or gold and was beautiful! I immediately ran a bath and washed all the dirt and sweat off.

     A dress was hanging off a hook next to the sink and I gasped at how pretty it was. It was sapphire blue and was probably the most beautiful dress I'd ever seen. I quickly got into the dress and twirled in front of the mirror. It fit perfectly and I laughed in joy.

    Loki smiled at me as I came out and I twirled in my dress. He chuckled at my antics " You look beautiful." I blushed and shyly smiled, " So where are we going to go first?" His smile was extremely infectious, " Wherever you want." I scratched my head pretending to think about this " Is there a library?!" My mom always used to joke about me being a bookworm.

    His smile got even wider, " I take that's where you want to go first?" He held out his hand and I took it. " Yeah! duh!" Slightly chuckling he lead me through the winding hallways. " God its like a maze in here! How do you know where you're going?"

    " You just get used to it I guess." My jaw dropped at every new thing we passed, everything was so beautiful. We came to a set of golden doors with a tree carved into it. Loki pushed the doors open and we walked in. " Oh my god." The library was huge and there was so many books I doubted I'd be able to read them all.

    " THIS. IS. AMAZING. I've never seen so many books!" Loki grabbed a book off a table and smiled at me. " Are you just going to stand there or are you gonna get a book." I made a face at him and searched the shelves for a book. One book grabbed my interest and I grabbed it. I sat next to Loki on the couch and we sat there for hours just reading. This was the most comfortable I've felt around anyone in a long time. I leaned my head on his shoulder. I sighed happily, "Its been so long since I got to read like this." Loki looked up from his book, "What do you mean?"

    "My stepfather wouldn't give me any money except when he sent me to go buy food." He looked at me surprised, "But a lady like you should have had plenty of money for books!" I cringed, "Loki I'm not-"

    The doors burst open and I nearly jumped out of my skin. " BROTHER WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN! YOU MISSED TRAINING!" The boy stopped and looked at me. He had blonde hair,had blue eyes, and was built like a wrestler. " Who is this lovely lady?" Loki stood up, " This is Anora she's a friend of mine. Anora this is Thor, my brother."

       I reached my hand out for a handshake " Nice to meet you." Thor kneeled and took my hand and kissed it. "It is nice to meet you too Lady Anora." I was trying my hardest not to laugh at this. Loki gave Thor a poisonous look and tried to take my hand from his. " I believe Anora and I should be leaving now." Is he jealous of Thor? He is! Loki escorted me out of the library and looked at me in worry.

      " You should stay away from him he could tell father about you." I looked up at him, " So what's so bad about that?" He sighed, " We should talk about this back at the room." We walked in silence back to his room, me (of course) swan diving onto the bed.

     " So what's so bad about your father finding out I'm here?" Sitting heavily on the bed he looked at me and held my hands in his. " He doesn't approve of midgardians, and would send you back." All I was thinking was, Oh my god he's holding my hands! Unintentionally he started stroking the back of my hand with his thumb.

     " You're the only person who doesn't think of me as a shadow." A shadow? " How could you ever be a shadow! You're the nicest person I've ever met and anyone who thinks you're a shadow is wrong!" His lips were suddenly on mine and all I could think is how much that probably took for him to tell me.

     Unfortunately he pulled away from me, " Loki I need to tell you something." All of his attention was focused on me. Gulping down a breath, I looked at him telling myself to not get emotional. " When you found me I was running away from my stepfather."

    His face was covered in worry, " Why were you running away?" Tearing up I looked at him with pain in my eyes. " After my mom died, my step father would get drunk and hurt me almost everyday. I just couldn't take it anymore i- I had to." I let out a sob and he wrapped his arms around me.


Edited 7/14/15

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