The Accident

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Well maybe it wasn't a great idea doing this. All of them were in a dog pile on the floor and unfortunately Odin was at the bottom. "Oh crap! Sorry I thought I had all the bugs worked out!" I helped Natasha up and Elara run to help Bruce up. King Odin got up and shot me an unreadable look. "I'm sorry your highness for the inflight experience and the rowdy passengers." I mentally facepalmed, I need a filter. I went to shake his hand and he kissed it cause of course I forgot. Then I passed out. That accident is really starting to piss me off!

^.^.^.^.^ Anora's POV ^.^.^.^.^

I woke up an all the Avengers were gathered around me. That girl ran over to me again. "Oh god! Mom are you okay!"I shot her a glare "I told you I'm not your mom!" How did I get here, the last thing I remember was blacking out in Loki's room. I looked around and saw a golden eyepatch. I lunge for him and felt several people holing me back. "YOU BASTARD! LET ME GO!!!!" Someone tried to jab me with a needle and it shattered against my skin. I felt my hair catch fire and lift above my head . Several people let go of me because they didn't want to get burned. Then someone dumped water on me and blinding pain hit me like a truck. Odin was looking at me in shock and confusion. As I fell backwards two cold hands caught me.

^.^.^.^.^ Tony's POV ^.^.^.^.^

We landed in a heap and I had "accidentally" landed on Natasha. She pushed me off her and yelled at me. "OW! TONY GET OFF ME!" After everyone got up I noticed an old dude wearing golden armor and an eyepatch. The model- No Anora extended her hand for an handshake the man instead kissed it and she was surprised. I chuckled slightly until I saw her faint. The girl who looked strangely similar to her ran over as she regained consciousness. She was extremely worried and was on the brink of tears. "Oh god! Mom are you okay!" Anora only shot her a glare and snapped "I told you I'm not your mom!" She scanned the room like she didn't know where she was. Um did she seriously bring us here so she could act like a psychopath? Or maybe the computer was an evil terminator! Snap out of it Tony! When she caught sight of the old dude she got this murderous look in her eyes. She jumped at him and Natasha and Capsicle held her back. The rest of us ran over to restrain her."YOU BASTARD! LET ME GO!!!!" What had they done to her! She was a crazy maniac! The girl grabbed a needle and tried jabbing it into Anora. It just f**king shattered. I watched in horror as she became a giant freaking candle and Capsicle dumped a bucket of water on her head. Her screams stopped and she fell back only to land in Loki's arms. "WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON!" Odin was shouting at the top of his lungs and just stood there speechless. A girl appeared from thin air and went over to them. She had beautiful curly red hair and green eyes. Her skin was so pale it seemed to reflect the light. She checked Anora to make sure she was okay and everyone in the room jumped when a hovering screen spoke. "SOMEBODY PUT OUT THAT FIRE OR WERE ALL GONNA GET BLOWN TO KINGDOM COME. PUT IT OUT!" Everyone was shocked but captain started beating the fire with his shield and cursing. "Are you gonna help me or not!" We all started to put out the fire and finally got it out. The screen bleeped happily "Another crisis averted, another accident free day." Anora whimpered in her sleep and muttered " Paul don't die... Don't die!" Tears were streaming down her face and she suddenly went limp. Then she vomited all over Capsicle. "Well you did deserve that Cap."

^.^.^.^.^ Elara's POV ^.^.^.^.^

"Haizley get Mackenzie to take mom to the infirmary and take our guests to their rooms." She muttered under her breath as we loaded her on the hover table and Mackenzie pushed her put of the room. I watched as the others left and only captain was left standing covered in vomit. " Hey are you okay?" I grabbed a rag off the counter and walked over to him. He slightly smiled and I started to wipe off his shirt. " Yeah, I'm just gonna need a shower after this." I laughed "I'm sorry about mom she hasn't been the same since the accident. She didn't have time to heal." He looked at me puzzled " I didn't know Anora had a daughter or was even married!" My vision blurred and I felt tears well in my eyes. "She was married." He looked at me with pity in his eyes " I'm sorry I really didn't know, I didn't mean to-" I threw the rag into a sterilizing bin and abruptly walked away. " I'm going to see my mom." He called after me "At least tell me your name!" "Elara."

^.^.^.^.^ Loki's POV ^.^.^.^.^

I was sitting next to Anora in the infirmary as the doctors were swarming over her. " Maybe side effect from the accident... Seems her magic is trying to help her... We need to check the the footage..." I only heard snippets of their conversations but it kept coming back to the subject of "The Aciddent" I grabbed a doctors arm and forced him to stay put. "What is the accident? I want to know why you all keep talking about it." The doctor just shook his head and muttered " Its not my place to tell you." As he left Elara came in and sat next to me. She looked like she had been crying and was barely holding herself together. "Are you alright Elara?" She shook her head and put her head on my shoulder. " What is troubling you?" She started to cry slightly and she sobbed " I just can't lose her, not again." Her sadness made me just want to fix whatever hurt her. "How would you lose her again?" She wiped some tears off her face and looked at me. "She really hasn't told you yet has she? The accident started when my mom took my father and I flying with her. Someone launched a missile at us and we crashed. My dad was hit by shrapnel and died instantly. Moms magic kicked in and gave her a new life to hide her. I thought she had died too and when the rescue team found me I was screaming for my parents. I grew up as an orphan and was called the lonely princess." She had wrapped her arms around me and was sobbing into my chest. "I promise that you will never lose your mother again." She pulled away from me for a moment and looked at me with tear filled eyes. " She still loves you, she never stopped caring for you. I've never seen her happier than when she sees you smiling."

^.^.^.^.^ Haizley's POV ^.^.^.^.^.^

I had finished showing everyone to their rooms when the flirty one ran up to me. " I'm Tony and what is your name beautiful?" I looked at him and thought 'why me?' " It's Haizley what do you want?" He looked at me and laughed " You don't have an weird name! But anyways do you know where Anora's workshop is?" Elee swooped down and addressed us " Mr. Stark is allowed in the mechanics workshop but no others." Elee can be creepy sometimes. We walked in silence and when we arrived to a pair of doors with various spare robot parts on it Tony ran inside. "This is like hitting the jackpot!" I laughed and started to walk away. " Oh no honey we're going exploring!" He pulled me into the room and it was huge. It was filled with various robots and supplies. There were even iron man suits, This is going to take awhile.



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