Odin's Wrath

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       "It's okay Anora, he can't hurt you anymore I promise." My face was shoved into his chest and I was crying into his shirt.

      "What if Odin finds out! he'll send me back and I can't go back! My stepfather would only hurt me more!" I sobbed harder at this thought. Loki held me tighter to him "I promise you'll never have to go back, even if my father does find out about you."

      This calmed me down a bit " Thank you Loki." The last thing I remember was falling asleep in his arms.

      The rest of the week was mostly Loki and I running around the palace avoiding Odin and Thor. About five days later, we were in the library talking when an old man dressed in golden armor and a eyepatch stormed in. "LOKI WHAT HAVE YOU DONE!"

      All the color drained from Loki's face and he quickly stood from the couch. "Father I can explain! I-" Odin lifted him up by the front of his shirt "NO LOKI, YOU CANNOT EXPLAIN WHY YOU BETRAYED ASGARD BY BRINGING A MIDGARDIAN HERE AND SHOWING HER THE PALACE! SHE COULD BE A SPY FEEDING INFORMATION TO OUR ENEMY'S!" Spit was flying from Odin's mouth as he yelled at Loki. I was enraged by Odin because he reminded me so much of my stepfather.

      Odin raised his hand to slap Loki, "YOU STUPID, IGNORANT-" He was cut off as I tackled him to the ground right before he could hit him. "DON'T YOU DARE HURT HIM!" I punched Odin right in his good eye and was flung back against the wall as he flung me off of him. Loki ran at his father "DON'T YOU TOUCH HER!" Odin threw him back and advanced towards me.

      "YOU IGNORANT MORTAL I BANISH YOU BACK TO MIDGARD. GUARDS TAKE HER AWAY!" He's going to send me BACK! "No" Two men pulled me up by my arms "NO!" I tried to get to Loki, squirming in the guards hold. "LOKI! My eyes were blurred with tears as I was dragged away. I went limp knowing I couldn't get out of this.

      Before I knew it we were back in the golden dome and Heimdall was looking at me with his stoic stare.

      "The mortal-" Heimdall cut him off "needs to go back , I know."

      He sunk his sword into the console and watched as the guards shoved me into the light.

      I hit the ground hard and landed on my back. I heard people talking and running towards me but I didn't care.

      " Stand down its just a girl." someone mumbled into an earpiece. " Anora?" This got my attention and I looked at him expectantly. "I'm Agent Coulson we need to ask you a few questions, then we can return you back to your stepfather."



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