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the douche bag: morning princess ☺️

the douche bag: how did you sleep baby?

harry: do not call me princess

the douche bag: why not kitten?

harry: stop with the pet names

the douche bag: but i love pet names peach

harry: i will block u and call the cops for stalking

the douche bag: u have no proof

harry: actually u admitted to stalking me, i have the receipts bitch

the douche bag: fuck ur so hot when ur feisty

harry: OH MY GOD

the douche bag: i put a count down on my phone for six weeks

the douche bag: my arm is going to be so sore by the end of this

harry: ewW stop it u freak

the douche bag: what??? u masturbate too

harry: i'm surprised u know how to spell it

the douche bag: impressive, huh?? 😏😏😏

harry: not really u probably just used auto correct

the douche bag: ur right babu 😖

harry: i knew it

the douche bag: so i know we can't have sex for six weeks, but maybe we could hang?

harry: first off, i said i would consider sex, it's not a guarantee

harry: second, i don't trust you


harry: 😑😑😑😑😑😑

the douche bag: why is that so hard to believe???😭

harry: fine i will meet u but it has to be in a public setting

harry: with lots of people around so you can't rape me

the douche bag: BABU I WOULD NEVER

harry: i don't believe u

the douche bag: 😫😫😫😫

harry: do u want to meet or not

the douche bag: YES BABU PLS

harry: fine i'm going to the mall today w my friend, u can meet us there

the douche bag: what time???

harry: around five

the douche bag: ur not gonna bail are u?

harry: idk maybe

the douche bag: 😢

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