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"Hey, babu."

Harry lets out a startled scream as Louis' hands suddenly wrapped around his waist, Harry's arm impulsively jerking back and elbowing Louis in his side.

"What the fuck?!" Harry snaps, turning around quickly to look at the older boy who was now hunched over, clutching his side in pain.

"Ow!" Louis whines, looking up with his lips pushed out into a playful pout. "Why did you hit me?" He groans, looking up at Harry and startling him with his bright blue eyes. Harry pauses, his heart thumping irregularly fast in his chest. He quickly looks away, attempting to appear unaffected.

"C-Cause you snuck up on me! You don't just come up and grab someone!" Harry huffed in annoyance, crossing his arms across his chest defiantly. His own pout matches Louis', who stands up straight and rubs his side. Louis just laughs softly, his eyes crinkling beautifully at the corners. Damn. Why are fuck-boys always so attractive?

Harry's harsh words die in his throat as Louis runs his thick fingers through his soft caramel hair, his pinkish bottom lip tugged between his bottom teeth sensually.

Harry frowned at the fact that Louis was a couple of inches taller than him and took a few steps back, creating some much needed distance.

"You really are cute when you're angry." Louis coos and attempts to pinch Harry's blushing cheeks, only to be met with Harry's fist.

Louis lets out a loud cry, stumbling back in his adidas clad feet as he holds his face in pain. "Seriously?" He snaps, wincing as he spoke. "Why do you keep hurting me?"

"Why are you so annoying?" Harry retorts, mocking Louis' tone.

Niall approaches mere seconds later and for that, Louis is grateful.

"Who's the lad, then?" Niall asks, a piece of soft pretzel hanging from his chapped lips as he slipped his wrist through the hole of his Pac Sun bag.

"I don't know." Harry mutters, narrowing his eyes at the older boy who is currently checking his nose for blood.

"Like hell you don't." Louis smirked, though the bridge of his nose and the apples of his cheeks were turning reddish pink from the punch he received minutes prior.

"I'm Louis. Harry's—"

"Nothing. You're not my anything."

"Don't be a bitch, Harry."

"Don't call me a bitch!" Harry growls, but Louis just awes because he looks like an angry kitten who's trying his hardest to resist a nice ball of yarn.

"Bitch." Louis chuckles, crossing his arms across his chest defiantly.

Before he can blink, Harry's knee is colliding with his crotch and stars erupt across his vision.


You maybe be wondering what just happened. I don't know either. 😶

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