thirty three

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"is that him?" anne asked knowingly. she could probably tell by the way harry's face paled.

"d-do we have to do this today? i'll literally die of embarrassment, mom." he pleaded, giving her the best puppy dog eyes he could manage.

but she didn't budge.

"harry, i'm just trying to make sure you're safe. i'm not going to embarrass you, i just want to say a quick hello." she reassured, petting harry's head. he wrinkled his nose and swatted at her hand childishly, blindly trying to fix his hair.

he figured he should probably warn louis to be on his best behavior. his mom might seem all sweet and nice, but she could be very protective when it came to him and gemma.

harry: my mom is coming to say hi, don't do anything stupid please

after quickly typing out the message and hitting send, he tucked his phone into his back pocket and sprinted after his mom who was already making her way downstairs. he put on his jacket as he was walking down the stairs, and when he got to the bottom he looked in the mirror hanging on the wall and fixed his hair. it was cute and messy at the same time, which was a perfect look to go with his cozy outfit.

he was about to go outside when he heard the doorbell ring, his stomach churning nervously. he didn't know why he was so anxious about louis meeting his mom. it's not like he was going to be seeing her a lot. it shouldn't even be that big of a deal.

"i'll get it!" his mom called happily before walking over to the door and unlocking it, pulling it open.

"hi, you must be louis." she grinned, holding out her hand, "i'm anne, harry's mother. nice to meet you." her tone was pleasant and friendly... for now.

"that's me," louis joked, before glancing at harry who shook his head quickly. "uh, it's nice to meet you too, anne." he said politely.

"would you like to come in for a second? harry's fixing his hair as usual." she laughed, stepping aside so louis entered.

louis just smirked as he watched harry push a few strands of hair out of his face before glancing around the living room curiously. for some reason, it looked just like something harry would like and that made louis smile.

 for some reason, it looked just like something harry would like and that made louis smile

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