thirty four

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this chapter is so dramatic lmao good luck


the car was filled with a comfortable silence.

harry was sitting in the passenger seat with his hands resting in his lap, his slender body being swallowed up by his cream-colored turtle neck. louis couldn't help but glance over at him every so often, admiring the way his loose fringe framed the sides of his slender face.

he was beautiful. not just attractive or sexy, just honest to god, downright beautiful. louis couldn't stop staring.

"you're making me uncomfortable, you know?" harry muttered a few moments later, turning his head and glancing at the older boy as he pushed a few mousy strands of hair out of his face. but his dimples were showing, and the corners of his mouth were twitching like he was trying to hold back a smile. "i can feel you staring at me. it's creepy."

louis felt himself blush a little at being caught, but he wasn't ashamed. he could look at harry all day.

"i've never met anybody like you, ya know?" louis asked, this time keeping his eyes trained on the road. it was only 5:10 pm but it was already getting dark out. he had to watch out for deer.

"w-what's that supposed to mean?" harry stammered. louis could practically feel how flustered he was, like it was radiating off of him.

"it just means you're unique. i've never met someone as adorable and as feisty as you are. i like that about you," louis admitted sheepishly, trying to ignore the way his own cheeks were still warm with embarrassment.

despite feeling awkward about admitting his feelings so openly, he learned to appreciate people for who they are and to remind them while he can. losing a mother was one of the hardest things he had to deal with, but he'd grown so much in the short time that she's been gone that he almost didn't believe that she was. like she was still watching over him, teaching him something new everyday.

he was also just never really good at biting his tongue to begin with.

harry was pouting in his seat, arms crossed over his chest as he stared out the passenger window, trying to hide the burning redness on his face. his heart was pounding in his chest and he didn't like it.

"t-thank you. i-i guess." harry mumbled quietly, nibbling on his lower lip. louis smiled at his shyness, fond over the fact that he could make the hot-blooded boy he met just a few weeks ago turn into a stuttering mess.

"anytime, babu." louis teased, reaching over to squeeze the boy's leg with his hand.

harry tried to smack his hand away while yelling, 'keep your hands on the wheel, stupid!' but louis was quick and snatched the boy's hand in his own, squeezing it gently as harry glared at him, eyebrows knitted together in the cutest way.

"this hand is still on the wheel," louis retorted while turning the car with one hand just to prove a point.

he finally loosened his grip on harry's hand, but only to intertwine their fingers together gently. harry didn't protest, just let out a defeated whine before turning back to the window.

they remained like that for some time, with their fingers tangled and hands resting in harry's lap. harry's hands were unbelievably soft, like a mixture of velvet and satin against louis' fingertips. he couldn't resist the urge to caress his skin, tracing the contour of harry's knuckles with his thumb. louis' surprised that harry hasn't yanked his hand away yet, or slapped him for being too touchy.

that's progress in his book.

they made it to the festival after about ten more minutes of driving, in silence may he add, and louis finally released harry's hand so he could follow the officer's directions through the makeshift parking lot on the grass field. he finally found an empty space and pulled in quickly, checking around to make sure there was enough room to get out.

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