thirty nine

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1 hour later

louis💕: i'm here

harry: just come inside. no one's home.

harry nibbled nervously on his bottom lip, climbing off his bed before walking over to his window and pushing the curtain aside. he saw louis' ford parked out front and his heart stammered at the sight of the tired boy climbing out of his car.

it had been almost a week since they last saw each other. louis took him to see roman holiday at a drive-in theater playing old movies, but they ended up making out for most of the film. that night, when he was dropping harry off, he told him that he worked a lot this week so they wouldn't be able to see each other. harry didn't think it was a big deal but after seeing louis regularly almost every night, he felt a little lost without his presence.

he'd been a little upset at the lack of attention because not only was louis not physically with him, but he was barely texting as well. more days than not, all he got was a good morning and goodnight text. so for louis to just throw the "boyfriend" word at him randomly after a week of barely interacting, he felt his reaction was justified.

however, seeing the solemn look on louis' face as he walked up to the front door was enough to make harry feel immense guilt.

he let the curtains fall shut before pulling his silk white robe closed tighter, fixing the belt so he was completely covered before walking out of his room and downstairs. he was on the second to last stair when louis opened the door and his heart leapt in his chest.

he offered the boy a small, sheepish smile but louis just furrowed his eyebrows in response at him. harry's heart was now in his stomach. had he really messed everything up? was this going to be the end?

he stared at louis with wide eyes, feeling the sting of tears before he laughed in embarrassment, frantically reaching up to wipe away one that had slipped down his cheek. "s-sorry... i don't know why i'm crying..." he trailed off, looking down at the teddy slippers on his feet.

louis' frown only grew deeper and he immediately walked over to harry, standing on the second step so that they were the same height now. his arms were instantly around harry's waist, pulling the boy against him who blushed furiously and nuzzled his face into louis' chest. he'd missed his cologne so much, he couldn't help inhaling deeply.

harry squeezed his eyes shut, fisting louis' jacket in his hands. he honestly didn't know why he was crying, he just knew that he couldn't let louis walk away. he didn't want to be without him.

"harry-" louis started, but harry quickly cut him off by raising his head, surging forward to connect their lips. it was the only way he could think of to convey his feelings to louis without saying them directly.

he wanted to keep going. he wanted louis to kiss him how he always did, to touch his hair and pet his cheek. but then louis' hands were on his shoulder, pushing him back and he couldn't help the flood of tears that followed.

"i'm sorry. please don't leave, i'm so so sorry. i didn't know you felt that w-way and i was just so surprised-" harry started rambling, hiccuping quietly between words as he clung to louis' jacket. he thought if he let go, louis might leave and it would really be over.

when he looked up, louis was staring at him with wide eyes and he figured he must look ridiculous, crying in a silk robe like a middle-aged wife. "harry, i-" louis tried to start again but harry shook his head, pulling himself closer using louis' jacket before pecking his lips over and over again.

"you can't... i want to date you. i want to be your boyfriend, okay? so please don't leave me..." harry whimpered, panting softly as his lungs began to feel constricted of air. he just couldn't let louis go, he wouldn't.

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