twenty seven

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"this is your house?" harry asked, completely unimpressed. he crossed his arms as he shut the car door behind him and walked towards the typical rural town house.

"there's no christmas decorations or anything!" harry pouted, glancing over his shoulder to glare at the older boy.

"there's only a week left until christmas anyway. there's no point now, babe." louis chuckled as he locked the car doors with his remote before walking up beside harry (who was trying to hide his blush at the pet name).

"come on. stop being a brat and come inside." louis smirked, grabbing harry's smaller hand in his own and dragging him inside.

harry perked up once they entered the house because the smell of peanut butter cookies (mixed with louis' weird musky cologne) filled his nose. Harry gasped happily. "you made peanut butter cookies?"

"no, it was probably my roommates." louis scoffed, slightly jealous that harry was more interested in cookies than in him. louis sighed, dropping harry's hand as he walked through the archway into the large kitchen.

harry wrinkled his nose slightly at the messy counters before glancing around louis' broad shoulders to see two girls rolling out the dough into balls

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harry wrinkled his nose slightly at the messy counters before glancing around louis' broad shoulders to see two girls rolling out the dough into balls.

"lou! who's this cutie?" the platinum blonde one with the pink streaks cooed, glancing directly at harry.

"lottie? what are you doing here?" louis asked, his face lighting up at the sight of the beautiful girl. harry pursed his lips and crossed his arms over his chest as louis ran over and wrapped his arms around her tiny waist, peppering her face with loving kisses.

"jeez. glad to see you too." lottie smiled, wrapping her arms around her brother's neck. they pulled apart after a while and louis turned to look at harry, who felt a little odd.

"harry, this is lottie and danielle. and this is harry, my, uh... friend." louis explained, causing harry to furrow his eyebrows.

"hey." harry muttered, glancing down at the floor awkwardly.

lottie gave louis a weird look, who just shrugged and walked towards the younger boy. "alright have fun, girls. call us when the cookies are ready." louis waved before he dragged harry out of the kitchen and up the wide stair case.

"your roommates are girls—what the fuck is this shit?" harry yelled as louis opened the door to his room and revealed the messy, disorganized room.

"your roommates are girls—what the fuck is this shit?" harry yelled as louis opened the door to his room and revealed the messy, disorganized room

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"what?" louis whined, "i've been stressed out the last few days. leave me alone." he groaned as he shut the door behind him and walked over the mess of clothes to sit on his bed.

"this is more than a few days of stress..." harry hissed, clenching his nose shut, "and what is that stench? i think i might throw up."

"shut the fuck up! it's not that bad." louis huffed, kicking off his vans.

"it's pretty bad." harry muttered as he carefully stepped over the messy and smelly clothes before climbing onto the bed, the leggings clinging to his bum nicely. louis couldn't help but stare desperately.

"fine, fine. i'll clean it up for next time." louis offered, raising an eyebrow as he spread his legs and leaned back against the wall.

"i don't even know if there will be a next time. this is seriously gross, lou." harry frowned.

louis looked at harry curiously, raising his rounded brow.

"what?" harry asked, flushing under his gaze.

"you called me lou." he hummed, smirking playfully as harry nudged him with his elbow.

"shut up." harry grumbled.

"don't be embarrassed. it was cute." louis cooed, reaching out and wrapping his strong arms around the boy's small waist, pulling him back against his chest.

harry gasped softly, tilting his head back to look up at louis.

"w-what are you doing?" harry asked as he saw louis staring at his lips longingly.

"i'm kissing you again."


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