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the douche bag: soooo...

harry: soooo what?

the douche bag: last night...

harry: u promised we wouldn't talk about it

the douche bag: i know but i changed my mind

harry: well i didn't so we're not talking about it

the douche bag: i guess i'll just have to call up gemma and see if she wants to talk about it with me

harry: ur horrible

harry: fine we can talk about it

the douche bag: YAY

harry: soooooo?

the douche bag: what?


the douche bag: no need to yell baby

harry: pls don't call me baby, we've been thru this

the douche bag: why are you acting so closed off

harry: because last night was a mistake and i don't feel like reliving it

the douche bag: damn was i really that bad??? it seemed like u enjoyed it

harry: well u thought wrong

the douche bag: oh

harry: yeah

the douche bag: okay well i was gonna return the panties u left in my bathroom but i guess i can just keep them for myself

harry: nasty 😷😷😷

the douche bag: 😛😛😛

the douche bag: so when are you coming over again?

harry: i don't know...

the douche bag: well at least you didn't say never

harry: 😑

the douche bag: how about tonight?

harry: i can't i have plans

the douche bag: with who?

harry: none of your business

the douche bag: is it a date?

harry: does it matter?

the douche bag: of course it matters

harry: why??

the douche bag: because... idk

harry: right... i'll talk to you later

the douche bag: babu 😩

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