twenty nine

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"you stay on that side of the bed and i'll stay on this side." harry grumbled, pulling his knees to his chest and wrapping his arms around them. he shifted his bum and leaned against the head board, wincing as it creaked eerily. louis gave a sheepish shrug.

"hey, it's been through a lot." louis muttered, leaning back as well and propping himself up against the wall. harry glared at him, puffing out his pink bottom lip into a pout.

louis sighed, reaching over to his desk before opening a drawer on the right side and pulling out a glass piece that was twisted in the center like a seahorse.

louis sighed, reaching over to his desk before opening a drawer on the right side and pulling out a glass piece that was twisted in the center like a seahorse

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"what's that?" harry asked curiously, tilting his head as he eyed the colorful swirly piece of glass.

louis looked up and laughed, holding up the piece. "it's a pipe. you put the weed on this end, light it up, and smoke from this end." louis explained, holding it out to the younger boy.

harry hesitantly took the decorative piece of glass that was molded into the shape of a sea horse, looking at the half burnt weed that was sitting in one end.

"can you go first?" harry asked timidly, handing it back to louis, who took it and retrieved a plain yellow lighter from his pocket.

"here, haz. let me try something." louis asked, shuffling closer to the younger boy, who lifted his foot and placed it against louis' chest firmly.

"try what?" harry asked, crossing his arms and raising an eyebrow.

louis laughed, grabbing harry's ankle and squeezing it softly. "nothing sexual, don't worry. i've got some strong shit in there, i'm just gonna help you ease into it." louis explained, waiting until the boy relaxed his legs before he pushed them apart and settled between his thick thighs. god, louis was going to need some serious self control if they were going to be just friends for now.

louis lifted up the glass piece and pressed his lips to one opening, bringing the lighter to the other side. harry watched eagerly as louis flicked the lighter on and inhaled deeply, those dark blue eyes fluttering softly before looking directly into his own.

harry waited for louis to exhale or do something fancy, but instead the older boy lowered the pipe and leaned forward, his lips only inches away from harry's. he gasped softly, and louis took the chance to lean in and connect their lips, blowing a shit ton of smoke into his mouth. harry inhaled the smoke, his head already feeling slightly fuzzy as louis' tongue entered his mouth as well and kissed him eagerly.

harry squirmed as louis pulled him into his lap, gasping softly as their tongues swirled together messily. louis pulled away after a few seconds, a trail of spit hanging between their lips.

"what was that?" harry asked quietly, glancing up at the older boy shyly.

"shot gunning." louis smirked, squeezing harry's thick thighs. "did you like it?" he asked, pecking harry's lips.

"yeah...i guess. it was kind of weird." harry whispered, shivering as louis' fingers dipped under the hem of his shirt and traced along his warm skin. "l-louis..." he whispered, resting his head against louis' shoulder and biting his lip harshly.

"you're so cute, haz..." louis whispered, nipping at harry's ear lobe as he rocked his hips against harry's. harry whimpered softly and dug his nails into louis' bicep, rocking forward and gasping at the friction against his sensitive cock.

louis sucked in a sharp breath as he slipped his hand between their warm buddies, cupping harry's crotch in his large hand and palming him through his boxers. "shit, lou..." harry gasped, his thighs twitching as he rolled his hips forward, grinding his length against louis' hand.

"you like that? huh, baby?" louis cooed, gripping harder through harry's leggings and stroking his length firmly.

harry nodded weakly, biting down onto louis' collarbone and hissing quietly and began practically bouncing in louis' lap, feeling heat begin to coil in his tummy.

louis removed his hands and began to push harry's leggings down, revealing the soft pink panties he was wearing underneath.

"oh my god." louis groaned as harry's cheeks flushed deep crimson red. he glanced over at the younger boy who was a panting mess, kissing his jaw softly.

"can i?" he asked, stroking his fingers along the growing form of harry's cock. harry nodded quickly, his curls already beginning to stick to his forehead as his cock twitched and leak precum.

louis smiled to himself at how adorable harry was and pulled down the waistband of harry's panties as well, cooing at the sight of harry's pretty pink cock. "so hard for me, love." he chuckled, wrapping his calloused fingers around harry's cock and squeezing it lightly, beginning to pump his hand up and down  and eliciting a moan from the blushing boy.

harry's cock was red and swollen, leaking against louis' fingers as pleasure continued to coarse through his body. "o-oh god, lou..." he panted, scratching down louis' caramel toned skin and bucking into his fists, moaning loudly as he suddenly shot warm spurts of cum all over louis' hand and shirt.

louis chuckled and licked the cum from his fingers, making harry flush in embarrassment, covering his face as he looked away.

"what's the matter, haz?" louis asked seriously, reaching forward to tilt harry's chin up.

"s'embarrassing." he mumbled, glancing up at the older boy.

"no it's not. it was really hot." louis assured him, squeezing harry's arm comfortingly before he helped harry tuck himself back in and pull his leggings back up. "and those panties look perfect on you." he smirked.

harry smacked his shoulder but smiled, leaning forward and pecking louis' lips quickly. "thank you." he whispered.

hey guys if you like zarry you should go check out my fic cocky... bad boy zayn and innocent harry... there's nothing better :-)

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