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Harry climbed into Louis' car and slammed the door shut beside him. He placed his Pacsun bag in his lap and made sure to buckle up before looking over at the older boy as he got into the driver's side.

"You're not gonna wear your seatbelt?" Harry asked, raising an eyebrow disappointedly.

Louis ran his fingers through his unkempt caramel brown hair before blinking his soft blue eyes at Harry in amusement. A smirk tugged at his pink lips. "Nope... what's it to you, anyway?" Louis asked, chuckling as he put the keys in the ignition and turned the car on. "You worried about me or something?" Louis teased.

Harry's face lit up like a Christmas tree, his cheeks flushed rosy red. "N-No! Absolutely not." Harry grumbled, crossing his arms across his chest. It was just then that Louis really got to look at his outfit.

He was wearing tight black jeans that hugged his hips, with rips all up and down the front, and an oversized cream colored sweater that hung off one of his sun-kissed shoulders loosely. Louis' mouth watered at the sight of his collarbones jutting out and the smooth contour of his throat. Shit. Louis wanted to cover it in big purple bruises.

"What are you looking at?" Harry asked, his voice barely above a whisper. His eyelashes fluttered as he glanced over at the older boy who was staring at him with dark, hungry eyes. Harry swallowed thickly and hesitantly licked over his pillowy-soft lips.

Louis took a deep breath before shaking his head, "Nothing." He muttered before putting the car in reverse and pulling out of the parking spot.

Harry stayed quiet for a few minutes, just watching the asphalt pass by slowly before he glanced over at Louis. "How did you get my number anyway?" He asked curiously.

Louis hummed thoughtfully before shrugging, "I think someone gave it to me...Zack, I think? He's in your grade." Louis shrugged, glancing over at the younger boy.

"I don't know a Zack. Was it Zayn?"

"Oh, yeah. Weird guy, good weed." Louis smirked.

Harry laughed softly and nodded, running his fingers through his loose curls. "Yeah, he does have good weed." He smiled, fumbling with his bag.

"You smoke?" Louis asked, surprised.

"Occasionally." Harry lied before quickly telling Louis to turn left at the light.

After Louis turned and straightened the car out, he looked at Harry with amused eyes. "Yeah? We should get high sometime." He offered playfully.

"I don't trust you." Harry said blandly.

Louis scoffed, offended. "Why not? I am a very trustworthy person."

"Maybe...but I don't trust you not to hit on me."

"I'm always gonna hit on you. I can't just not hit on you."

"And that's why we're not getting high together."
Harry mumbled, rolling his eyes.

"There's a difference between hitting on you and actually fucking you. Like. I wanna fuck you, obviously, but I wouldn't fuck you while you're high. I want you fully aware, you know?" Louis explained, shrugging.

"I'm uncomfortable with that whole statement." Harry laughed, shaking his head. "You might not get to fuck me at all, so you should probably just give up."

"Never. Spitters are quitters."

"What does spitting have to do with anything?" Harry sighed.

"Harry," Louis gasped as he pulled up in front of the younger boy's house, "Spitting is like the sardine of sex. Don't ever do it."

"What's wrong with spitting? I spit all the time! If I have too much saliva, I just gotta spit it out." Harry exclaimed, trying to defend himself.

Louis stared at him blankly before he burst out laughing, accidentally bumping the horn which caused both of them to jump.

"Oh my god. You are so innocent." Louis groaned. "It's really hot, to be honest."

Harry smacked Louis' shoulder, glaring at him bitterly. "I'm leaving."

"You're welcome for the ride." Louis giggled quietly.

"Yeah, yeah. Whatever." Harry grumbled as he grabbed his bag and opened the door, getting out of the car and stretching his skinny limbs.

"I'm waiting," Louis hummed, nonchalantly checking out Harry's ass.

"For what?" Harry asked, raising an eyebrow.

"For my thank you." Louis grinned, puckering his lips.

Harry rolled his eyes and slammed the door shut. "Thank you!" He called as he ran towards his house.

Idk. I honesty don't know. Hope you enjoyed.

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