twenty six

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mentions of jay's death »

"hey, cutie."

harry blushed as he got into the car, biting his lip as he looked over at the older boy. however, when he did, his eyes widened in surprise.

"your hair..." harry gasped, furrowing his eyebrows, "you cut like all of it off." he whispered.

louis' smirk faded at the mention of his hair and he reached up, self-consciously running his fingers through the spiky strands. "yeah, uh...i donated it. i know it wasn't long or anything felt like the right thing to do." he muttered, suddenly grabbing a rolled up joint from the ash tray and taking a deep drag from it.

"why'd you donate it?" harry asked curiously, tilting his head.

"reasons." louis breathed, a cloud of smoke leaving his lips as he set the joint down and started the car.

harry watched him, suddenly feeling bad for even bringing it up. "okay." he whispered, resting his black bag between his feet and buckling up.

"what time do you have to be home?" louis asked after a few minutes of driving in silence.

"11:30. that's pretty generous coming from my mom." harry scoffed, crossing his arms over his chest.

"what do you mean?" louis asked.

"i mean...she's just really controlling and always wants to know what i'm doing every minute of every day." harry complained, rolling his eyes at the thought.

"your mother just wants to know you're safe, harry. don't take her for granted." louis muttered, his hand clenching the wheel tightly. harry looked at him anxiously, pressing his legs together.

"i know. i love her with all my heart but sometimes she can just be a little overbearing," harry explained, swallowing thickly. "what's your mother like?"

"she... was amazing. even after six kids, we never felt neglected or unimportant. she loved us with everything she had." louis whispered, and suddenly his face grew very sad.

"what happened? you talk about her like...she's not here anymore." harry asked quietly, nibbling on his bottom lip.

louis roughly pulled the car over into a wooded area, shoving the lever into park and dropping his head onto the wheel. he unbuckled his seatbelt and harry did the same, confused and a little spooked.

"she's dead." louis hissed, like he words burned his mouth.

harry looked around at the dark trees surrounding them before reaching out and rubbing louis' shaking shoulder gently. "i'm sorry." harry sighed softly, squeezing his arm tenderly.

louis turned to look at him, his eyes already rimmed with redness as a few tears slipped down his cheeks and caught along the stubble on his cheeks. "harry?" he asked softly, and suddenly he was leaning in close so that his body was looming over harry's.

"can i kiss you? just this once..." he whispered, reaching out to run his fingers along harry's trembling bottom lip. "i need to feel something, other than this...shit."

harry swallowed nervously, glancing up at the older boy as he licked over his plump bottom lip. he nodded softly and that was all it took for louis to crash their lips together. his calloused hands wrapped around his waist and neck, pulling the younger boy flush against his chest as he molded their mouths together eagerly.

harry's hands were trembling, his heart racing as he leaned into the kiss hesitantly, gripping louis' biceps tightly. "l-louis..." he panted, and louis took the opportunity to lick into the younger boy's mouth, making harry squirm.

"shit..." louis grunted, finally pulling away from the other, "you taste so good."

harry blushed fiercely, wrinkling his nose at the trail of spit that hang between their lips. he was going to swat it away when louis leaned forward and pecked his lips, effectively breaking the connection between them.

harry turned away from the older boy, embarrassed. "was...was that okay?" he asked softly, feeling a bit self-conscious because that was his first kiss.

louis nodded, leaning back against his seat. " was great." he whispered, tilting his head and glancing at harry. "thank you."

"no problem." harry muttered, mentally crying because of how embarrassed he was.

"you're so cute when you're embarrassed." louis smirked, chuckling to himself.

harry proceeded to elbow him in the chest and yell, "get me out of these freaky ass woods!"

idk was this a good way to take it? i wanted to at least incorporate her death but i didn't want to make it totally awkward or insincere... idek 😑

and the hair cut was over exaggerated in this but fuck my baby was so brave yesterday and i can't even fucking handle this shit

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