twenty eight

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i am so sorry that i leave every chapter off with mini cliff-hangers but that's just how i write *shrugs* idk what to tell you, i like writing cliff hangers because that leaves me a lot of options when writing the next chapter... other authors will probably understand a little 😬 anyways sorry... pls enjoy the chapter 💖

(also, this is unedited like the rest of the story so sorry lol hope it's ok)

louis leaned down and connected their lips together gently, his arms tightening around the younger boy as he pulled him closer. harry let out a weak moan of protest, shifting in louis' lap and pressing his hands against his muscular chest. (harry tried not to think of the way his pectorals flexed beneath his finger tips.)

louis pulled away slightly and looked down at harry's flushed cheeks, cooing at how adorable the boy was. "what's the matter?" louis chuckled, reaching up to run his fingers through his own short chestnut colored hair.

harry took the opportunity to slide out of the older boy's arms, backing up against the pile of pillows at the front of the bed, his legs spread wide over the messy sheets and comforter. "i-i... why do you keep kissing me?" harry asked, touching his sensitive lips curiously. they were still slightly wet from the kiss.

louis raised an eyebrow, scoffing as he got on his knees and crawled between harry's spread legs. "because you're just so kissable." he laughed, kissing harry's wrinkled up nose. harry blushed, his thighs twitching anxiously as he reached up and gripped louis' biceps tightly.

"and your lips are so soft, i just can't help myself." louis hummed, leaning down and pecking harry's pillowy soft lips. he gazed down at the boy, whose eyelashes fluttered beautifully.

"so?" louis asked, resting his forearm beside harry's head to hold himself up and using his free hand to trace the contour of harry's rosy pink lips.

harry furrowed his eyebrows, looking up at louis curiously. "so, what?" he asked, tilting his head to the side and leaning into his touch.

"so... can i kiss you?" louis asked, running his hand along harry's jaw and down to the dip of his collar bones. he glanced back up at the blushing boy, who nodded shyly and parted his lips entrancingly.

louis surged forward and connected their lips once more, licking across harry's bottom lip as if asking for permission. harry didn't seem to get the memo though, so louis slipped his fingers into his soft curls and tugged gently, licking into the boy's hot, sweet mouth when he whimpered.

he practically devoured harry's mouth with his tongue, slinking their bodies together as he swirled his tongue with harry's before nipping at his bottom lip.

louis pecked harry's lips again before finally pulling away and resting his head in the crook of harry's neck. he could hear the boy panting softly, his breath warm as it ghosted over louis' ear. louis' eyes fluttered shut as he traced shapes over the taunt skin of harry's exposed shoulder.

"louis?" harry's small voice pierced through the solemn silence. louis grunted gently in response.

"you're not gonna have sex with me, right?" harry asked, which made louis pull back completely.

"what?" louis asked, furrowing his eyebrows.

harry looked nervous, his eyebrows furrowed as he looked up at louis innocently.

"no, harry." louis sighed, sitting up and pulling harry up as well (even though his legs were still slotted over louis' thighs, which made him straddle the older boy). "remember the deal? six weeks?" louis hummed, reaching up and tucking a loose strand of hair behind harry's ear.

"oh, yeah." harry whispered, looking down with flushed cheeks.

"i mean, unless you changed your mind? i'd be glad to fuck you right here." louis smirked, which earned him an elbow to the gut.

"fuck off!" harry glared, crawling out of his lap.

louis' stomach was not so glad to see harry get his spark back.

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