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Louis is sitting on a massage chair outside of Pac Sun, crying bitterly and whimpering every few seconds as the knots in the chair move under his ass and bump against his sensitive sack. He can't believe that Harry actually kneed him in the balls; a fellow man!?

Niall is chortling in the chair beside him (the little asshole), laughing even louder every time Louis' face contorted with pain. Harry was only a few meters away, sitting on a bench on the opposite side of the aisle. That's where Niall banished him after Louis nearly passed out from his brutal attack.

Harry (or as Louis now refers to him in his mind— the hot little demon with the cute butt) is sitting with his arms crossed over his slim chest and his jaw clenched. Louis avoids looking at him because every time he even turns his head in Harry's general direction, he can feel Harry glaring actual daggers at him. Louis fears for his life.

"I should probably go talk to Harry." Niall sighs, standing and tossing his trash from his soft pretzel into the bin.

"Be careful he doesn't punch you in the face." Louis grumbles bitterly, crossing his arms as well and pushing his slightly swollen bottom lip (given to him not-so-generously by you-know-who) out into a child-like pout.

"Harry wouldn't punch me." Niall smirks, grabbing his Pac Sun bag as loud laughter erupted from his chest, "It's only you that he hates!"

"He doesn't hate me!" Louis protests, only to be struck in the head by one of Harry's ratty old shoes. 👟

"Yes I do!" Harry snaps and if Louis wasn't near-death from all the injuries he sustained in the short time that he's been with Harry, he would have cried.

Niall was frantically looking between the two, as well as the people who were walking by and giving them weird looks.

"He's evil!" Louis cried, rubbing his sore head and feeling around for any bumps.

"And you're an idiot!" Harry growled, and Louis almost cooed at how much he resembled an angry kitten.

Niall walked over and Harry and rested a hand on his shoulder. "Come on, Harry. Go grab your shoe and let's go. I got a game to watch."

"No one cares about golf." Harry griped but stood up anyway, trotting over to get his shoe. He glared at Louis as he slipped it on before folding his arms over his chest, standing up straight.

"Don't leave now! We came to hang out, didn't we?" Louis whined, pouting as he made grabby hands for Harry.

"Fine. But you have to give me a ride home then." Harry muttered, looking away from the older boy.

"You can't drive?" Louis asked in disbelief.

"I just turned sixteen!" Harry snapped, narrowing his eyes. "Of course I can't drive yet."

"Damn, I thought you were older." Louis whispered, "Kind of makes me a pervert, doesn't it?"

"That's what I've been trying to tell you." Harry rolled his eyes.

"No need for the attitude. I'm still trying to fuck." Louis shrugged before standing up, as the massage chair was done.

"If my fist wasn't so sore, I'd punch you straight in the balls."

"Damn. A twink after my own heart."

"You're a jerk."

"Whatever, bitch."

Supernatural reference in there if you know what I'm talking about 😏😏😏😏

Just wanted to give you guys some sort of filler. Hope you enjoyed 😛

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