thirty one

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harry: hi

the douche bag: messaging me first? what's the special occasion???

harry: nothing really...

harry: just bored i guess

the douche bag: wow i feel flattered (•ө•)♡

harry: well

the douche bag: well what? you texted me first lol

harry: nevermind... just forget it

the douche bag: no what's the matter? you sound off

harry: i just wanted to get out of the house tbh

the douche bag: is everything okay?

harry: yeah everything's fine i guess...

the douche bag: well i'm at work rn

harry: oh sorry. i'll leave you be then

the douche bag: no! i just mean that i'd have to pick you up when i get done

harry: you don't have to! i can just go for a walk or something

the douche bag: babu...

harry: yes?

the douche bag: you responded to your name!! 😌😏

harry: 😤😤😤

the douche bag: you're cute when you're annoyed

harry: no i'm not lol

the douche bag: yes you are

harry: are we really going to do this rn?

the douche bag: nope because i'm right so there's no need to fight about it

harry: whatever

the douche bag: 😁😇

the douche bag: oh yeah and get dressed cause i get done work in 45 minutes

harry: you seriously don't have to come!! i'll be fine

the douche bag: 44 minutes

harry: Louis.

the douche bag: 43 minutes

harry: ughhh fine

the douche bag: good boy (๑˃̵ᴗ˂̵)و

harry: you're so weird

the douche bag: but you love me

harry: hardly

harry: btw what should i wear?

the douche bag: nothing 😏

harry: blocked

the douche bag: that won't work now because i know where you live 😌🤗

harry: ...

the douche bag: see ya in 38 minutes babu ❤️

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