thirty five

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"well then, i guess it's my lucky day," louis smirked as he grabbed harry's hand, tangling their fingers together. a rosy blush spread across the younger's cheeks but he didn't pull away.

"what do you mean?" harry asked, tucking his phone into his back pocket with his free hand.

"i get to spend the entire evening with the person i like. i think that makes for a pretty great night," louis explained with a bright smile on his lips, not missing the way harry's eyes widened and his face grew redder.

he loved making harry blush. it was quickly becoming his favorite pastime.

after the shock of louis' words had worn off, harry rolled his eyes and grumbled a quiet, "whatever," under his breath before looking away.

only a few seconds later did his face light back up, his olive green eyes blown wide as he gushed, "oh, look!" and dimpled, pointing at a small kiosk stand across the cobblestone path handing out cups of hot chocolate. "let's go get some! can we?" harry asked, practically vibrating with excitement.

louis didn't have the strength to say no, and nor did he want to. despite harry's... spirited (and questionably demonic) personality, the boy was like a little ray of sunshine when he was in a good mood. his eyes literally sparkled whenever he was happy, and he was just overall the most adorable, pretty, and enthralling person louis had ever seen. those bright pink lips and pearly teeth were infectious. and those dimples too...

his smiles were to die for.

literally, if looks could kill then louis would be dead ten times over. but if he had to go, he figured death by harry styles wouldn't be all that bad.

"yeah, 'course." louis agreed after awkwardly ogling the boy for a good thirty seconds while lost in his train of thought.

he couldn't help it. harry was a dream, sue him.

he followed the smaller boy over to the kiosk, internally squealing at the fact that harry never let go of his hand. that was progress in his book.


"hm?" louis asked, blinking as he tried to come back to reality.

harry rolled his eyes and let go of louis' hand, which resulted in a pathetic whine from the older boy.

"ignore him. marshmallows in both, please."

louis was about to protest, but he figured he could deal with a few marshmallows in his hot chocolate. he was a man in love after all.



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