thirty eight

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5 hours later

harry: hey... haven't talked to you all day

louis💕: sorry. been busy w work

harry: it's okay

5 minutes later

harry: are you mad at me from earlier or something?

harry: why are you being dry?

louis💕: i'm not mad. just realized we're not on the same page

harry: i was just surprised earlier... even though we're "dating" we never talked about being official or together

louis💕: the fact that you put dating in quotes just shows that we're not on the same page at all

harry: i didn't mean it like that

louis💕: okay.

harry: idk what else you want me to say...

louis💕: you don't have to say anything else

harry: so what... you're done talking to me??

louis💕: idk harry. i'm at work. can we not do this rn?

harry: so i'm back to harry now. cool.

louis💕: you're being ridiculous for someone who doesn't even think we're dating


louis💕: but we're not together? make it make sense please?

harry: we never talked about being together.

louis💕: yeah you keep saying that

harry: because that's the truth. how are you literally mad at me for this rn? we NEVER had this discussion

louis💕: fine. i'll give you that, but at the very least you could have refrained from acting disgusted at the thought of actually being with me

harry: what the ACTUAL FUCK are you talking about??

louis💕: that's how it came across

harry: are u blind?

louis💕: i'm serious.

harry: seriously stupid

louis💕: ok

harry: i don't understand why you're actually mad at me rn

louis💕: clearly

louis💕: and i'm not mad. i'm upset because i thought we were together. i thought you actually wanted to be with me. today was supposed to be our anniversary and i've been planning to do something nice for u for a while... and that's how u responded

harry: oh

harry: i'm sorry lou. i didn't mean to hurt ur feelings, i just didn't expect that

louis💕: expect what?

harry: idk... that you actually wanted to be with me.

louis💕: how many times do i have to tell you i have feelings for you before you finally start to believe it?

harry: idk

louis💕: i have to go. i don't want to get in trouble for being on phone.

harry: are we okay?

louis💕: idk harry

harry: can u come over so we can talk in person at least?

30 minutes later

louis💕: yeah. i'll text u when i'm on my way.

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