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Baekhyun's POV

"when will you come back, tae." baekhyun said to her, he dont want her to leave.

"I dont know, mom said we will moved to seoul for my study and dad also was hired there, and I dont know when we  come back, sorry for the sudden goodbye." taeyeon said to him with forcely smiled.

"how about our friendship? is this over." he said to her try not to cry infront of her, he cant accept the fact that she will be moving and left him.

"ani-aniyo~ our friendship will longlasting even im far from you I will never forget you, promised." taeyeon said to him and smiled.

"promised." baekhyun repeated and she nodded and they hugged each other."here take this bracelet, I have also same like that in my hand look." baekhyun give taeyeon a bracelet same as him, he was the one who put into her hand."there dont remove this bracelete okey." he continue and taeyeon nodded again.

"I will, bye." she said.

Taeyeon went inside of the car and waved to baekhyun and the car start moving, baekhyun also waved her until baekhyun didnt saw the car.

I just want you to know that I have a feelings to you.


"eomma, when will we come back to busan." taeyeon ask her mom, while her father driving.

"maybe after you finish your high school, why? you missed baekhyun."  taeyeon's mom teased her, yah~ taeyeon also has a crush with baekhyun but sad to say she didn't tell him because she think that he only sees her as a younger sister.

"something like that." she said acted like normal infront of her parents.

"dont worry baby, we will come back, okey." her mother said and she nodded.

When I come back im gonna tell you that I have a feelings for you.



1) Sorry for some errors, im just a student, sometimes can make a mistake.
2) Sorry if this story is not what you expect.
3) Only baekyeon shippers can allowed to read this fanfic.
4) Haters, Bashers & etc. , will be block or mute.

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