Chapter 11

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Taeyeon's POV

Were going to my house, baekhyun allowed me even his so strike he still have a heart, when we arrive there im gonna get my things everything that I want to bring no things gonna left.

"were here." baekhyun signal me, yes, were here I miss this place. I went inside I promised to him to make fast, he was just wait inside of his car.

I went upstairs to my room, get my violet bag and I put my dress, jewelry and etc. And when I finish my things I saw a box above my table its color pink I went near and open it, I saw inside a bracelet and theres a nickname on it I guess and after the name there is a shape its heart I wear it and put the box inside of my bag and went out I saw baekhyun on his car I think I took so long you can see on his face how he annoys.

"sorry." I speak first, will its my fault I took so long inside.

"10minutes." he said and start the engine."so where we go next?." he ask me.

"at the park please." I said with puppy eyes, he just drove to the near park we went out, I was sitting in a vacant place in the park under the tree.

Baekhyun was looking left and right if their is a spy agents who followed them, he just want taeyeon to be safe.

"how I wish my life is peaceful and no bad people wants to killed me." taeyeon said enough to him to heared.

"as long as im here your be safe just stick to me." he said to her and taeyeon look him curious, a few minutes taeyeon decided to went back. They went back at baekhyun's place which is SM UGA.

Baekhyun's POV

After we went back to her house to get her things and after went to the park I was tired I told jean if someone was finding me tell them that im resting coz im not feeling well.

"hyung~." kris suddenly went inside of my room holding a blue folder.

"cant you see im not feeling well, go try with suho hyung." I said to him but he didn't leave, he beg and beg me until I got annoyed.

"okey~ what is it?." I ask him and grab the envelope he was holding.

"your no longer a guardian of jessica. why?." I ask him after reading his new task.

"will Mr. Lee SoMan told me so. He said I will be no longer to be her guardian coz Tristan Park will be replacing me, and Mr. Lee give me a new task which is I will go to paris together  with him actually not just me but you will be their me, you, kai and sehun and the rest will be staying here with their task." he said, so im gonna leave taeyeon alone, what if somethings gonna happen to her I will blamed myself  if their is. And who will be her guardian.

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