Chapter 14

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Someone's POV

"hacked down the cameras and CCTV's, I will be the one to get her, get ready for my signals." he said to his terrorist and they nodded, his men hacked the cameras everywhere in and out of the underground, he went to taeyeons room who was resting, taeyeon wake up because someones trying to open the door she was about to walk near but the door suddenly open revealing a tall guy with a mask she didn't recognized him because she cant clearly sees it. The guy went near her and put a handkerchief on her mouth and she fight and fight but the guy punched her stomach and she sleep, he bring her into a bridal style and went straight to the lot his mens open the back of the car and put her inside and start the engine and leave.

Baekhyun didn't know what is happening. His busy undercovers with same agents like him. He didn't recieve a single message from his sister he thought that she's busy doing her ask with taeyeon but the truth is taeyeon is missing a few minutes a unknown number called him.

Baekhyun's POv

Mr. Lee was inside of the hall having a serious meeting with our new friend agency their talking about how the both agency have their own profit, and I was curios this is my first time not receiving a text or call from my sister maybe she's taking good care of her but suddenly I heared my phone rang, its unknown number.

"where are you?." a girl speak on line.

"what? who are you." I ask her, who is this girl is she wrong dialed.

"that is not important, I called you because something happen to taeyeon?." she said. what? what ia she talking about. Taeyeon is resting.

"are you spying on me on" I said with angry tone.

"shut up with your nonsense thoughts, get back here or else your loving girl will die, meet me at the Daengun." he said and hang up the phone.

"wait?  wait... yeoboseoyo~" I said but she put down the phone.

"wait, leader-nim where are you going?." kai ask me.

"I will be went back to seoul something happen to her?, if Mr. Lee finds me tell him that I will accept the punishment when he went home." I said and leave. they called my name but I ignored them.

If somethings happen to her I will killed them, if they are one of me I dont care, I find her almost years passes and I dont want to lost her she's the only love I have since she leave me. Baekhyun loves her so much. He just want to be with her again. He book a flight directly he didn't used the agency's private plane Mr. Lee might noticed that he used it or else double punishment he have. He flew to seoul and went to Daengun to meet her.

"you! minzy what are you doing here?." I ask her, shes crying. why is she crying is she lost a cat."and what are you crying?." I continue. Did you guys remember minzy she's the one who talk to taeyeon when she needs help for her friend.

"your 1 hour late, there is only 30 minutes before they killed her." she said, wipe her tears.

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