Chapter 6

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Baekhyun's POV

I dont want to enter her personal life I am just her guardian, I went out of the restu but I didn't leave her I just went out and stayed at my car I dont want anything happen to her, she almost 1 hour inside and after that I saw her went out of the restu and walk in the street by herself I followed her but I followed her without she notice she might think that I was following her but then a guy with a black jacket followed her I was nervous that time I still keep following her and also the guy who followed her and then she run and run until she went inside of her house I went backdoor of her house and enter, I plug off the main electric and walk near her slowly and covered her mouth but she shout.

"ahhhhhhh~." she shout, I grab her hand and grab her back door.

"shhh~ quit, if your going to shout he will know that your still here, just trust me." I said to her ear, and she obeyed what I said.

"who are you?." she ask him.

"not now, later I will tell you." I said, I open my car door and she was sitted on back, and drove off.

Taeyeon's POV

"who is that guy was following me and also who are you, are you one of them." I ask him, I dont know this guy this is my first time talking to a stranger.

"you wont like it if I told you." he said while driving.

"why I wont like it? just answer it." I yelled at him and he suddenly stop the car and I jump into the front.

"if you dont stop asking me that, I can force myself to bring you back to that guy who always following you everyday." he said with angry tone half yelled, then I become quit I didnt ask him anything it seems like his a nice guy but still I dont trust him, his a stranger, and he drove.

"look, im sorry if I yelled at you lately I just I cant control myself if someones yelling at me or shouting at me, I hope you understand." he suddenly said and apologized and I just ignored him and look at the window.

"the guy lately at your house is one of the Lee's people, Lee Min Ho or in other name Mr. Lee is their boss, he and your father has a argument years ago, they were friends since collage but when they applied in the same angency called Red Cup Society and only your father got hired and Mr. Lee get jealous of that and because of that he make his own agency called Eagles Black Society, he has a daughter name Lee Chaerin she was also same as her father but she didn't part of the EB Society, she is under YG Society." he explain to me and I look at him curious and he keep telling me.

"Mr. Lee was hunting you because of her sister died because of your father, he think that its your fathers fault when Kang Seulgi died when she jump into the building because your father and Ms. Kang Seulgi is in a relationship, when your still young." he continue.

"my dad, my dad is a doctor not a... what is it again." I ask him again.

"agent? actually their not your biological parents your parents died because of  the car accident and also you." he said, what me I was in a car accident.

I widen my eyes." I dont remember I was in a car accident." I said to him.

"because you have an amnesia, your comatose for a almost a year or years." he said.

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