Chapter 2

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Taeyeon's POV

I was inside of our classroom studying for the math test, my classmates isn't aware that their will be a test this morning. How they suppose to notice the announcement was written on the board if they are busy doing some stupid things inside like yelling, talking, some girls are talking with their boyfriend. Ewww~ sometimes I can tell myself that they are all slut well except for jessica. All men are the same, sorry for being a bitter person, its just they just play with girls heart.

"Hi! tae, your to innocent stop studying. It can't help you, come'on have some fun." Minho appeared infront of me, ahh I hate this guy, you know what he is just Choi Minho his a varsity in our campus all girls admired him because of his baby face and charm.

"really it cant help me." I acted liked im agreed with him, acted like im with him.

"yup~ so put it down and have some fun, the teacher wont come in because they are all in the division office for some important matters." he said satify that I believe with him actually I didn't believe him, im just playing around with him.

"do you think I believe in you, im not like the other girls who always easy to get, so well you excuse me I have to study.. and also DONT DISTURB ME, Thank you." I said to him and smiled he left me annoying with face, a few minutes later our math teacher came, she appologized to us for being late and after she start the test and my classmates didn't believe because they thought that she wont come.

Baekhyun's POV

"Kris, how's your mission I mean your girlfriend?. HAHA." I ask him with laugh, how I didn't laugh he has client which is a girl but then suddenly he become his girlfriend, how so rude.

"stop teasing me okey. Its just its my obligation to protect her." he said to me, and I am still laughing.

"to protect her from what, from who?." I said to him.

"from those guys in the campus, they always played arround her so since I was put to be with her my obligation is to protect her." he explain."by the way your always asking me about my mission how about you is their new, is she or he." he continue, I handed the envelope with him and he open, he widen his eyes of what he saw.

"wait, with her." he speak, somethings weird with this guy is he drug addict.

"woah~ woah~ easy men your acted like you saw a monster inside that." I said pointed the envelope.

"I know her, she is the only bestfriend of my girlfriend you know. Her province was at North Jeola Province, but she leave now nearby at jessica's village." he explain and I widen my eyes.

"wait you meet her already." I ask him and he nodded.

"can you bring me with her?." I ask him again and he nodded.

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