Chapter 5

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Taeyeon's POV

I sitted on vacant sits. I put the tray of foods I ordered and start eating, but then suddenly someone sitted infront of me thats why I stop eating and look who is its, its a guy I admit his goddamn handsome, his eyes is so beautiful, all of his face its like, its perfect.

"excuse me, can I sit here." he ask me.

"you already sitted." I said by raising my eye brow.

"im just asking if I can sit here." he said.

"your asking is late , you must ask me first before sitting, you have no manners." I said with angry tone.

"look im sorry, by the way im Matteo Do and you are?." he said and asking my name, should I tell him my name. Their is no problem right if I can tell him.

"Taeyeon, Taeyeon Kim." I replied and focus back to my food. Awkward time. I fastly eat my food and stood up he look at me and so does I and bowed I didn't talk anything I just bowed and leave.

I walk in the streets alone I look into my watch and I widen my eyes its already 9 in the evening, I walk and walk and walk... and then I feel like someones following me I look back who is it but it was none no one I continue walking and ignored it but I feel again that someones following me when I heared he/she's step near me I run directly without looking back run and run and run and then I open my door of my house and went in and locked it triple, and inside I was catching my breath when I was about to step once the their was knocking Im scared I shake for nervous I didn't open it I just listen and look at the door but then the light suddenly off its all black and I cant see anything I still heared the knock and then I feel that someones grabbing my hand and I shout loudly.

"ahhhhhhh~." I shout, he grab my hand and I dont know which part of my house he grab me.

"shhh~ quit, if your going to shout he will know that your still here, just trust me." he said to my ear, and I obeyed his said, should I trust him I dont know who he is. please somebody help me.

"who are you?." I ask him.

"not now, later I will tell you." he said, he open the back door of my house and he told me to went inside of his car.

Baekhyun's POV

"why is she walking outside, alone?." I said to myself. "where is she going?." I continue and followed her, my car is slowerer as a turtle moving, where is this girl going, its already night, she went inside of  restu and I stop my car, I went out and went inside where she is, she was sitted at the edge of the table a few seconds someones sitted infront of her, he is a guy a pretty guy you know the way she looks to him I feel like their in a relationship.

Next Chapter for Continuition....

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