Chapter 7

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SMTown Underground Society Agents

Baekhyun's POv

"how is she?." the boys ask me.

"she's in my room? resting." I said to them.

"this is our first time bringing our Leader a girl in our Headquarters." Luhan said and everyone nodded.

"I know, thats why I called you all today." I said and they all starting to listen to me."I do hope one of you tell Mr. Lee SoMan about this, im just protecting her and you all know that." I continue.

"Our pleasure." they all said and I nodded.

"should I bring jessica here also." kris said and everyones eye is om him. "what I am just protecting her also?." he continue.

"your protecting her or let us say that because shes your girlfriend you can bring her here." kai said and everyone laugh and nodded.

"but Leader-nim is bringing his also." kris said, and I ignored him I was reading taeyeons profile and background again.

"he has a right to do what he wants, his our Leader-nim Mr. Lee told him that he can do what ever he wants." suho said and everyone again nodded.

Taeyeon's POv

I slowly open my eyes and I look about it was a white ceiling but its was so beautiful because there is a color pink electric fan, I look side by side but their is no people or any shadow I walk into the door and open it I was about to went out but their was a guard outside of the door stop me.

"Sorry, but Mr. Byun said you can stay inside until he came back after his meeting." one guy said.

"I want to go out, I want to go home." I said forcely want to out but their strong.

"please Ms. Kim we dont want to get you hurt, Mr. Byun might killed us if he know that you have a single cut." they said and I went back inside, a few minutes someone open the door and I look who is it and its him the guy last night.

"where did you bring me?." I ask him.

"your here in our hearquarters, so you dont have to worry." he said.

"I dont have to worry, actually I already worried because today is our exam but because of your two bodyguards outside I missed 4 subject today, is that what to told me not to worry about." I said to him and he just breath out a sigh.

"your no longer to go back, I already transfered you in a private school, and this room, this will be your new room from now on." he said.

"what you tranfered me, without telling me, why are you doing some decition without telling me huh! your not even my relatives and what so ever. This is my life." I sait to him.

"I know that, even im not your relative or what so ever you must follow me if you dont want to die." he said."please follow what I told you because I cared about you." he continue. What does he mean that he cared about me.

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