Chapter 15

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Baekhyun's POv

"where are we going?." I ask minzy, actually she was in a driver sit while me beside her.

"to her I know where they take her." she said, sometimes I might think that she still one of them, she know everything where they meet, they talk, and etc.

"hey slow down we might die." I said, I was already put on my sitbelt but its useless she's fast as a rider she drive, is she have a drivers license if she have she should slow but I think its not.

"I dont care! im already in the hell." she said what is wrong with this girl, I didn't speak I just let her talk and I just listen to her.

"They said they didn't killed my mother but they lied, they just used me to work with them I was 15 when they get me away from my mother they threat her to killed me if she didn't give me to them, and when I was turning 16 they sent me into a underground fight at first I scared because if I didn't win that fight they will going to killed my mother. She is the only one I have since my father died and my older brother died. If my father didn't died he might killed all of them. My father is a Founder of underground agents my parents hide it from me even my brother didn't knows about it. I promise to myself that I will get revenge of what they get from me, they cut my families life and I will do the same." she said already crying, I just stared at her blankly I didn't expect she suffered that, a few minutes she annouce that were already arrive."where here get ready yourself." she signal.

Taeyeon's POV

"goodmorning, lady." the man said, he handed a long stick. I dont know this man.

"who are you? Where did you bring me?." I said to him.

"You dont know me? actually your father I mean your real father is my bestfriend back then but your father killed my sister." he said, what is he talking about.

"can you stick to the point I dont understand you." I said to him and he became angry.

"your father is having an affair with my sister but he was married that time with your mother and then me and your father were friend my sister and your father meet because of me but one day, he broke her heart and that ended with jumping high in the building." he explain. "but I have a opportunity one time, I plan to ambush your parents and you and that day, the day you and your parents moving to seoul I said to my people to crash your car so that I can get revenge." he continue while walking side to side.

"Your so cruel? you dont even think that if you killed them their is one person cried and-." I was cut by him.

"I sufferd day and night for my sisters burial. Day and Night I prayed that someday I will come back with my revenge- " he was cut by taeyeon.

"do you even think that their daughter needs them? you let your angry high up. Your so bad if you had a daughter she will cried nor dissapointed because of her fathers work-." taeyeon cut by him.

"dont enter my daughter her she is not part with this, she already know what im doing. She already left me." he said and I become quit..... we become quit, he pull his gun and pointed me.

"you dont think what will happen, you killed my parents. You will go to the jail." she said and taeyeon run to him.

Taeyeon try her best to get the gun he handed. He pulled taeyeon's hair and thats taeyeon shout for the pain. He grab it and throw taeyeon like a trash on the floor.

"Your daughter hate you when she know that you killed lots of people, maybe she knows what is your doing but im sure that she dont know what is your bad side." taeyeon said. "and if I die will thank you because I can see my real parents on the other side of life." she continue.

The man pulled the gun and shoot taeyeon.




Baekhyun heared it and he run where it is came from and there she saw taeyeon lying on the floor full of  blood.

"Taeyeon~~~~~." he said and run to her. Minzy shoot Mr. Lee MinHo.

"Taeyeon fight for it im gonna call a ambulance." he said to her, taeyeon was holding her breath.

"I will be the one to call." minzy interrupted.

"taeyeon, please dont leave me and I dont want you to leave me I love you so much, I know you are the girl I friend back then I waited so long for your comeback but you didn't came back and now I see you Im not gonna lost you again. Taeyeonnn." baekhyun said while crying.

Taeyeon touch baekhyun's cheeks and wipe his taears.

"your late to rescue me..... baekhyun." she said catching her breath. Baekhyun touch taeyeon's hand while she was holding his face. Baekhyun was about to shoot Mr. MinHo for what he done but taeyeon stop him.

"dont.....killed...him... his....daughter...might...cried..if...she....knows...that...her...died." taeyeon said slowly and not clearyly but he still heared it. Baekhyun put the gun down and just hugged taeyeon.

"I love you, taeyeon I love you." he said to her.

" baek...hyun.." she said and close her eyes.

"taeyeonnnnnnnnnnnn~~~~." baekhyun shout.


mygod this chapter is too long enough for all of you (para di bitin) saranghae.*-*

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