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"If you're good at something, never do it for free"

"That would be $23.50 please" the elderly woman asks Autumn. She hands her $25 and accepts the change without saying a word.

"Would you like me to ask one of the boys to help you with your bags?" The older woman offers, a service Autumn would be wise not to take. Aware of the contents she is quick to reply.

"No thanks, I'm fine" Autumn reassures with a false smile. She is handed the keys and given directions to her room. She nods in appreciation and before stalking down the poorly lit halls, similar to the previous hotel. She shoves the key into the door, checking the hall left and right before pushing the door open. Quickly dragging the bag in behind her, she dumps it and immediately pulls out her 9mm to search the hotel room.

Happy that she is alone she places the gun down and pulls the heavy bag onto the bed. For Autumn, she doesn't like to sit and relax after a mission, keeping herself busy is vital. It is bad form to overthink your performance on a mission, second guessing your abilities can lead to instant death in this profession.

As part of her post mission ritual, Autumn removes each part of the sniper and cleans it thoroughly. This will prevent it from jamming and it will also remove any fingertips left on it as well distracting her from the mission. She also removes the clothes she wore during the mission also, placing them out on the floor, including the boots. Autumn reaches into the bag and hauls out a spray bottle and coats the clear liquid on to every inch of the clothing, folding and twisting the material as she moves to ensure she gets every crevice. This is a vital piece of equipment as it removes any trace of gun shot residue, another safeguard in case she gets caught. The first thing the investigators would try and do is match the residue to her clothing, by eliminating this she presents a bump in the road against them.

Two hours after, Autumn has finished all she could do, everything is spotless and in perfect working order. She takes this time to sit down. All she is wearing is a black vest and black underwear, one would think she would be cold. She likes the cold, it keeps her alert.

It is 4am. Autumn takes out a clear plastic bag containing at least twenty disposable cell phones from a small rucksack that she keeps valuables in. Each one has a special code on the back so she knew which one was next. She searches through them to find the successor to 1307-SS, she snatches phone 1308-SS and turns it on before leaving it on the bed. Autumn awaits a message to come through, patience is a virtue in this business.

Autumn doesn't know who texts her or who gives the jobs, she only knows who it is not. Her job is to accept the order, and complete the job without getting caught. The buzz of the phone makes her jump a little bit, she immediately scolds herself for being jittery. Autumn picks up the phone and stares at the text presented.

Target successfully eliminated with no witnesses. Payment will be made in full tomorrow at 0800 hours. We will make contact when we have another target.

She releases a relieved sigh. No witnesses had seen her or the position of where the bullet originated. She is in the clear this time. Another tick in the box.

She can now rest or at least try to, sleep doesn't come as naturally to some as it did others and insomnia is something Autumn struggles with. She places the handgun down the edge of her bed within reach but out of sight before rolling on to her back and gazing up at the ceiling. The plaster is peeling off in places and there is a burn mark to the side. She wonders how it got there, who was throwing something hot around the room? Her attention then moves to the muffled voices in the next room. Two female voices are yelling some very nasty words at each other. From what Autumn could gather one woman is accusing the other of cheating with her husband.

Autumn has trouble understanding people at times, perhaps that's what makes her so good at her job. She feels no grief for killing Stern, he wasn't an angel that's for sure but was death the appropriate punishment, probably not. She has never felt grief or remorse for any life she has taken, and she has taken a lot. Most of them were bad people who hurt others, some didn't deserve it but it needed to be done and others were undoubtedly innocents. Autumn is ruthless and that's what attracted both SHIELD and HYDRA once upon a time.

Autumn releases a tired sigh, fatigue is calling and she needs sleep so she lets her eyes drift. Thinking of home often sent her to sleep quickly but it was also the source of her nightmares.


"When there is light, there is a shadow"

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