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"Forgiving is easy, forgetting and trusting again are the hard parts"

When Autumn was finally allowed to leave the hospital bay, she headed straight out doors. She longed to breath in fresh air, away from the overwhelming hygienic smell of hospital equipment. The fresh cool air was welcomed by Autumns lungs.

Since then, the past two weeks have been busy. Once a day she is given a small amount of Steve or Bucky's blood to aid her recovery. It would normally take her months to recover from a serious stab wound but instead it takes only two weeks.  Both men are very willing to donate their blood. It is unclear whether Autumns strength have been increased or if it just affects her recovery time. She feels good though, physically.

The team have been busy on finding out whatever they could on Sarah Courtney's various activities since her presumed death fifteen years ago. They have found bits here and there linking her to locations across the globe from Paris to Ecuador. She has been linked to numerous terrorists across the years, perhaps even in the terrorist act itself.

This is all well and good but what Autumn and the rest really want to know was why Sarah has such an interest in her daughters life after so many years. Sarah has been prepping Autumn for something from an early age when she enlisted her in defence and MMA classes, but why is the burning question. Theories have been floating around that Sarah is training Autumn to be the new head of HYDRA or to convince her daughter to join her at HYDRA so they can both destroy SHIELD, but it is Bucky's theory that Autumn believes to be true.

To become the new Winter Soldier.

To become the perfect soldier.


"Hello Autumn, how are you feeling today?" Vision greets her as he joins Autumn's side as she makes her way to Stark's lab. Autumn is glad that Vision has started to use her first name rather than Miss Courtney, it is too like her mother's name for Autumns own liking.

"Good, not as sore as yesterday" she replies honestly as she doesn't slow. Vision wears a jumper with a white shirt on underneath and black trousers with smart black shoes. He had concluded that people found him easier to talk to when he had actual clothes on. Autumn bares a pair of denim skinny jeans on and a black oversized jumper, tight tops are still a no-go from her injuries.

"That is good to hear, I sense that you are going to see Mr. Stark about any leads on your mother?" Vision questions again, basically reading her mind as he did.

"Yes Vision I am, anything is good at this point" she replies, smiling at him as she finds him to be a great source o entertainment.

"Mr Stark has been spending a lot of time in his lab, more than usual. This is peculiar behaviour from him. He is showing great interest in your mother and yourself" he explains as he struggles to understand. Autumn knows that Tony has been working all hours, trying to find out where she is and what her plans are for Autumn. However much she tries she couldn't understand why he cares so much about this mission, Autumn and everything.

"I don't know why Vision, but he is helping so that's good" Autumn responds after a moment of pondering, that being the only thing she could muster to say.

"Yes, I will talk to you later Autumn" Vision politely departs with a nod as he separates and goes his own way. Shortly afterwards, Autumn arrives at Starks door. She knocks without waiting.

"Come in" she hears him reply before pushing open the door. She greets him with a smile.

"Ah, A, what can I help you with" Stark greets as he turns his head to see who it is.

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