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"But what the world fails to realise is that the villain is a victim who's story hasn't been told"

"What do you want?" Autumn sourly states, breaking the silence that is growing between the pair. He remains silent and still, and almost statue like composure.

"H.Y.D.R.A. sent you I'm guessing, what are you the backup plan?" She mocks as she attempts to get anything out of him.  With a mask and goggles on it is very hard to gage a reaction. Her heart is beating fast, not out of adrenaline but, fear. The other H.Y.D.R.A fools weren't afraid to say they were H.Y.D.R.A, they were proud to say it even if it was their last words, which it was. This guy, he is so non-verbal. Even when he snuck up on her, if it wasn't for the crisps on the floor, she would be very dead. Autumn isn't one for panicking but she is on the verge of doing so in this current and unprecedented situation. She needs to take control of the situation, she needs to calm down and ground herself.

"I had strings but now I'm free. There are no strings on me" Autumn whispers to herself in a small, barely audible voice.

However, the attacker tilts his head slightly as she mumbles her chosen words. He almost looks confused at what she mumbled. This is it she thought and her instincts kick in because of it. His guard is down but she doesn't want him dead just yet. With a slight movement of the gun and the pulling of the trigger, she takes a warning shot and aims for his arm, his left arm. It collides his arm but it ricochets off and into the wall behind him. She flinches as the unexpected ricochet takes her by complete surprise. Autumn studies him with shock evident in her eyes, he can't be wearing bulletproof armour.  Not metal that's too heavy she pieces together. Autumn is forced back to her present situation when when rehab attacker moves for the first time since they met. He raises his hand and tears away the clothing material that the bullet has ruined to reveal a shiny metal surface, a metal arm with a red star on his shoulder.

"What the h..." Autumn starts but cannot finish. She has fought a lot of people in her time but someone with a metal limb? That is one for the books. The attacker snaps his head back to where Autumn is standing. His posture has changed, he is visibly angered by her little show.

Autumn takes that as a direct message, time to haul ass. She keeps her eyes glued upon him at all times but her research has paid off, she had scanned the area before the hit. Six and a half metres to her right is an unfinished, open window with no glass. It is her only chance Autumn concludes.

"I've no strings so I have fun. I'm not tied up to anyone" she mutters before her mad dash towards the window. She pumps her legs and makes a break for it in hopes she takes the attacker by surprise. Her petite size will come in useful as the window is perfect size for her to jump out, with her standing at around five foot three inches. She spotted a skip full of black bin bags at the bottom of the window when she entered so that is going to be her landing platform.

As she prepares to leap, she thinks she has out run the stranger, but luck isn't on the agenda today. Just before she takes the leap, a hand forcefully clamps down on her left shoulder and pulls her savagely to the ground. The impact knocks all the air out of her lungs as she gasps for oxygen. With her moth wide on, she tries to sucks in air whilst multitasking to locate her sidearm that has left her hand. Her 9mm handgun is inches away from her hand so she stretches out to try and reach it. Autumn looks desperately at the weapon, the desire to put a bullet though this assholes head is compelling her to try harder. But she's at a serious disadvantage with her losing the fight.  Her view is quickly ruined when a large black boot presses down on her wrist, preventing her from going any further. She lets out a small moan at the pain, no bones broken but it won't take long under this pressure.

Autumn gazes up in pain at the face of the huge figure. His hair droops over his goggles and his mask. His left hand holds his gun down by his side, not expecting Autumn to fight back.

Never underestimate Autumn.

Without wanting, she hoists up her right leg and with all her force kicks his right knee. He buckles under the hit and takes a step back, just like Autumn had hoped. With her wrist now free she rolls reaching for the handgun with both hands. For just a moment she takes her eyes and mind off the stranger with her only objective being the gun, that will prove to be mistake.

Next thing she knows, Autumn feels a strange sensation as she finds herself flying backwards away from the gun. Her  jaw screams out in pain as the boot collides with it sending her across the barren room. She rolls to a halt, barley conscious at this point from the harsh blow. Autumn lays flat on her right side facing the window, her attacker is slowly stalking towards her from behind but Autumns injuries prevent her from fighting back this time.

"I had strings but now I'm free. There are no strings on me..."she whispers out before a wave of darkness and dizziness ascends upon her just as the boots edge closer and closer. Death is coming, or so she thought.


"There are heroes in evil as well as in good"

Strings - A Winter StoryWhere stories live. Discover now