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"Everything you want is on the other side of fear"

The noise of the jet instantly becomes audible as Steve joins Visions' side at the window, but it isn't the jets engines that are making the noise. As the jet settles to a hovering position directly outside the large window, the high pitched spinning sound of its machine gun turrets gives the group the necessary kick the group needs.

"GET DOWN!" Steve yells as turns around and attempts to warn the others who are now alert and concerned. With Steve's shouting, everyone moves in a sync at the incoming threat of bullets. Like a torrential downpour, a hailstorm of bullets invade the compound with the large window being the first thing to be completely disintegrated upon impact. Autumn knew what was coming, but allows Bucky do the work for her.  Considering her restrained state, she feels Bucky's grip tighten on her as he uses his enhanced senses to predict what was coming too. With their backs facing the windows, Bucky clamps one of his hand tighter around her waist before darting across the exposed open area a split second before the bullets come slicing through the air. Autumn feels her feet leave the solid ground as Bucky tries his hardest to ensure neither of them get riddled with bullets. As the deafening sound of the machine guns fills the air, Bucky pulls Autumns body closer to his as he pushes himself and her up against a wall to shield themselves from the onslaught. She feels his defined muscles as she tucks her head downwards to try and protect herself from the debris now flying through the room.

Thankfully, no one is hurt. Clint and Natasha dive together to safety whilst Tony's amour appears out of no where to protect his human, non-bullet proof form together with Steve and Sam springing into action as soon as Steve's warning left his lips. With the mysterious pilots of the jet no longer having eyes upon the group who they are targeting, they break away from the window and begin to circle the compound.

Now the noise has fizzled out and the dust has settled, whoever is still around come out from the shadows. Bucky keeps his arm snaked around Autumns waist as he cautiously steps back out into a very different looking room. All the furniture in the room now lays in pieces on the ground whilst the walls are scattered in chunks of debris, all in all it is not dissimilar to a war zone. Autumn also looks about, her attention truly glued to the destruction caused by the jets weapons, a welcomed distraction from the nightmare she just endured. Alongside Bucky and Autumn, Steve, Sam and Vision tentatively come out from their hidden locations, all scanning each other for obvious injuries.

"Any one hurt?" The mother of the group named Steve calls out, but in a small and quiet voice to avoid any unwanted attention.

"Surprisingly not" Sam replies as he swiftly pats himself down looking for any holes that he shouldn't have.  Steve starts at Sam then looks to Bucky, Vision then his eyes eventually land on Autumn who is distracted by the now nonexistent window.

"Autumn?" Steve calls out to her and gathers her attention, her still shaken but alert eyes land on him. She realises that he has asked her a question, so being Autumn, she uses this to her advantage.

"I'm fine but I would be much better if I wasn't being restrained like a wild animal" she finishes with a gentle smirk, as if not to push her luck. As her comment is directly aimed to Bucky, Steve's looks up to his friend for a moment of contemplation. After a few long seconds for Autumn, Bucky's hand slithers away from her body after a nod from his friend. He then takes a step out from behind Autumns much smaller frame, her eyes trail him curiously. Seeming that Autumn isn't an immediate threat, Steve's work mode kicks in.

"Everyone gear up, these guys aren't going down without a fight" Steve instructs as he realises the jet isn't quite done with them. With FRIDAY listening, the AI system relays Steve's message to whoever is out there listening.

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