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"Alone we can do so little, together we can do so much"

"Okay, so let me get this straight. Your mother is behind all of this?" Sam questions in a dumbfounded tone , totally confused by this story and the new information which has just come to light. Steve and Stark had obeyed with Autumns request so all the gang have gathered in one room and with the help of Stark, are devising a plan to attack HYDRA. Even Wanda has been recruited in despite all that has already happened.

"Yes, I thought she was dead but obviously she isn't" Autumn replies with an exhausted undertone. All the team are gathered at the front of the room around a screen that has the file on the USB lip up on it. Autumn is further back, leaning against a table as she observes from a distance. After dousing her face in water, she had hoped it would Knick her back on track but she still feels the same, pure shit.

"It says that she had your father murdered and had her own murder faked? Why would she do that? What is she gaining?" Natasha questions to no one in particular as she turns from the screen to face Autumn, other eyes following hers.

"That's the golden question" Stark steps in instead of Autumn, who is internally grateful. Seeing all her family related information up on a screen for all to see doesn't feel right, but then again thus while situation is screwed up on so many levels.

"HYDRA are callous and merciless, they have people killed for anything. Maybe that's what happened to your father ?" Clint suggests as he tries to tease out an angle.

"That agent said they had grown soft, how does that fit in?" Wanda adds, however her comment mixed with Clint's urges Autumn to speak up to address something.

"Before we continue, let me make this very clear. Just because my father was HYDRA, that doesn't make him the enemy, the enemy here is my mother okay?" Autumn points out, everyone turning to face her. With her arms crossed and bags forming under her eyes, the group take in her comment. She's been through it in the last few weeks, and it's beginning to show.

"Autumn, you know if we go down this path, you might not like what we find" Steve compassionately informs her, a thought that has already crossed her mind. Autumn nods in response as she looks down to her hands that she has uncrossed, her fingers pulling at the threads of her sleeves.

"Any path we follow will be uneasy. This isn't a business where people are nice. There will be blood, there's no doubt about that but its who's blood will be spilt, that's the golden question" Autumn replies before looking up to the group of Avengers who stare back sympathetically. Bucky's sad gaze lands on Autumn at the same time hers lands on him. Autumn could see the pain etched on his face, the concern in his eyes is always overwhelming. Vision takes a step forward to direct the conversation.

"Have we any leads that could aid our apprehension of Mrs. Courtney?" He asks in his perfect English tone, a good question Autumn deems as it distracts from the monotone feel in the room.

"A few, FRIDAY bring up file 271 please" Stark takes over as he steps forward towards the screen and the projector switches files. With a small remote in his hand, all eyes watch his presentation.

"Our agent who is undercover overheard that conversation at a HYDRA base in Nevada, not far from Vegas. We have the co-ordinates of the base, so finding it shouldn't be a problem. It's what might be waiting for us could be" Stark presents the information, bringing up a satellite image of what looks like desert but underground is the very well hidden HYDRA base.

"We also believe that Sarah Courtney is the lead scientist and one of the high ranked officers in this particular base. There's evidence that Sarah had an influence in Autumn's early years,  Autumn want to explain?" Stark directs his question to Autumn, who reluctantly cooperates.

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