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"Society prepares the crime and the criminal commits it"

"Do you think she will come back?" Bucky asks Steve as they help the others clean up the debris left from the onslaught brought by the jet. With the pair in a more isolated area, Bucky isn't afraid to ask his best friend.

"Hard to tell, she's stubborn but if we find out why HYDRA are after us, she might come back" Steve replies honestly as he too knows that Autumn is someone who works to help herself, and finding the reason of why HYDRA want them is a good reason. Both men help each other carry large pieces of the wall that have collapsed from the force of the bullets.

"Nat's working on interrogating the HYDRA agent, maybe he will talk" Stark injects into their conversation, he had overheard Bucky's concerns but decides not to push further.


"Oh come on, you can give me something considering that you're all alone and by yourself and I am pretty sure that HYDRA won't send anyone out to save a common soldier like you" Natasha is deep in trying to break the agent in one of the many interview rooms in the compound.

"I'm not saying a word" he spits out without looking at Natasha, and her being an expert she sees his she can use this to her advantage.

"What's wrong? Why can't you look at me in the eye? Afraid of women are you, especially women who intimidate you?" She tests as she leans in closer to the nervous agent.

"No!" He yells back giving Natasha a path to explore.

"You don't like it when a woman is in control do you? Makes you feel small and weak, I always thought HYDRA only took strong soldiers" she plays the game and presses his buttons, waiting for a reaction.

"I am a good soldier" he blurts out as the realisation hits him like a train, exactly what Natasha had expected would happen.

"I don't think so, if you were a good soldier we wouldn't be having this conversation because you would be on your way home to a HYDRA base somewhere, they obviously don't care about you" Nat exclaims as she leans back into her seat opposite the man. She can see him tensing up, he is going to crack soon with the correct kind of pressure.

"From where I sit, HYDRA has abandoned you, left you for dead. So why don't you help yourself by helping me instead, call it a retaliation" Nat offers as she sugar coats it.

"Tell me why HYDRA wants the Avengers and Autumn dead and we will cut you a deal" Nat presents a nice deal to the agent as she smiles at the man. However, she doesn't get the reaction she desires. For the first time, the agent looks up to Natasha and starts to laugh almost hysterically. He mimics Natasha's actions and leans in closer over the table as he attempts to control the situation.

"Is that what you think? Yeah we want The Avengers dead but the girl, no way, she's too special. HYDRA need her and what HYDRA want, HYDRA get" he smirks devilishly as be laughs some more. Suddenly Natasha rises from her seat and walks around the agents towards  to the door

"What about my deal!?" She hears the man call out before she slams the door closed, cutting his voice off. Natasha rapidly walks to the kitchen where everyone is helping in the clean up effort.

"Romanoff, any luck on cracking the HYDRA agent?" Stark calls out and everyone stops cleaning to listen in on the conversation.

"Yeah, more than expected" she replies, now everyone stops what they are doing and circles  Natasha as her expression tells them they need to listen.

"We weren't the mission, Autumn was" she explains basically.

"What?" Sam questions as he crosses his arms across his chest.

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